Broken Eggshells

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DEDICATED TO: XAwesomerThanYou030X because she is mah buddy and loves USUK :D

I dunno if i spelt 'Eggshells' right, but i am sure Haley correct me ((inside joke XD))

ANYWAY does anyone know what is up with the chat on here? I know Meebo is deleting itself, but that isnt until the 11th or so... Oh well, you came here for a story, correct? Da, correct! SO~! Without further ado,




*TIME- After the Revolutionary War*

  I sat at my desk, twiddling my thumbs and waiting immpatiently for something that would never come. I new that we were going to have this fight over my freedom, yet I didnt yet know the costs of it. Money was a problem, but this was much more. Looking out of the window to my left, I saw a grassy hill. Well, the day is beautiful, might as well take a walk... Maybe then I could clear my mind... I thought. 

  Grabbing a light-weight coat, I resumed to my plan. Setting out towards that small grassy hill, my jacket hugged close to me because of the Autum air. My eyes graced the land as I walked, taking in all of the brilliant colors and wonderful nature. Once I reached the top of the hill, I looked at the scene below: pastures of land and produce swept the land before me, making it into a beautiful patch-work.

  I looked around on the top of the hill, seeing that there was an old oak standing right in the middle. Flowers of many sorts swam around the tree in vibrant colors, the grass as green as can be. A small yawn formed and flew out of my mouth. I tiredly rubbed my eyes and sat on the ground. Mye eyes then looked up at the sky, watching as a few stars peek out of hiding, the sky turning a navy blue. Laying on my back to get a better veiw of it, I had an image pop up in my mind.

"England, you used to be... so big..."

  Shaking my head didnt really help the echoing of the voice that sounded off of every inch of my skull. My eyes became half-mast as sleep was calling me into a trance. The soft sounds of crickets and small animals lulled me into a sleep, but before I was out, I whispered to myself,

"England, I am sorry I put us on broken eggshells..."


Whatcha think? Came up with this on the spot! Got the idea from when i was looking at my nails. They have that crackle stuff on them, and it looks like broken eggshells! I know, I am weird... OH WELL~! I know, it is short, but I am thinking of doing another chapter for England... tell me what to do D: .... I really didnt sleep last night... partly for that story i wrote and posted and partly becaus I wasnt tired :D





See ya~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2012 ⏰

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