Starting To Realize {FINAL}

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Denis' POV:
"Did they really break up...?"

I muttered to myself on my bed. I was worried. What if they did? Should I call Ethan again? What about Amie? Is she ok? God, I must be worrying to much...or am I? Corl slammed the door open again. "Hey, Debbie?" Corl asked calmly this time. "Uh, yea?" I answered, standing up. "We need to talk." He shut the door, making me jump a little. His voice, so stern. "What do you want to-" Corl covered my mouth and nose. "Hush." Corl looked around. "Wwwhhhattt arreeee youuu doijngngg." My voice sounded like I was underwater. "Hush!" Corl yelled. I stayed quiet. I then heard footsteps outside my door. "Is...someone outside...?" I questioned. Corl let go of me. "Yes." He nodded. "W-Wha-" "Before any questions, dear, I'd like to tell you that that glitches are here." A British voice came out of Corl. I was confused. "Why do you sound like-" "Alex? Well, darling, it's because I am!" This so called Alex smiled with joy. "What?! How-" "Oh, sweetie, Emma." Alex told me. "Wait, Emma did this?" I asked. "Mhm" "So, where's Corl?" "In the darkness-" "IN WHAT?!" I shouted. A noise turned to my direction. It...sounded like a glitch. "Shush!" Alex placed his pointer finger against his lips. "Quiet." He whispered. "~<*|£<*{£~€|£~>|%." A noise walked by. "DKCNDJDDJZKKSSKJAJDJJENGADDMDMDMCNDCKXDKFKCMSTOPDJCJDFJSNDJSJSKDSKDJJSSJFNFJFJLEAVEDJCJDJCJSFJSJFJSNFKTURNOFF." Another notice walked by. "Who was that?" I whispered. "Glitches." Alex glared at the door. "Why? Why are they here...?" I hugged Alex a bit. "You." Alex's voice grew. "M-Me?! Why?" I kept asking. "The amulet. You used it the wrong way." Alex explained. "I...did didn't I..." I sighed. "I know what I did..." I moaned. "I know. Uhm, want to talk to Emma?" Alex looked at me sweetly. "Sure." I smiled.

Hey! You wanted to talk?


Well, of course I am! were the one who said that I only had Corl...?!

Oh, no no no! That was a glitch.


You can get them back.


Killing Corl. Without him knowing it. Do it secretly. He must die.


Hmp, your loss.


What are you talking about-


I wasn't the voice that told you that Corl was your ONLY FRIEND.

Yea right!

I wasn't! Trust me, brother.

How can I trust someone I never met before.

You can visit your family...

I never had one. You are just my imagination.

Excuse me?

Yea, you heard me.

I am not!

Prove it. All I remember is that when I was little, I was alone. So, I made am imaginary friend...named "Emma"


We got along so well that I called you a sister of mine....


Spill it. It's true.





What are you doing...

Erasing you. I have an amulet, that can grant ANY wish. wouldn't.

Uhm, I can. Plus, you're the one who told me about it in the first place.

Well, yea. But I didn't think you'd use it in this way.

Why didn't you warn me about this then?



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I'm sorry, I couldn't understand-



Son, honey, I miss you.

The heck....

I know you are very confused right now, but you have to travel to us! I want to see how big you've grown.

You're my mother...aren't you?


But....I don't have a mother.

What are you talking about-

Emma, stop. Just stop. You're just trying to convince me that you're "real"


Give me Alex back!

And all of my friends.

then I have to do it myself.


"Are-Are you ok Denis?" Corl looked at me. "Agh...." I moaned and slowly got up. "Are you ok?" Corl kept asking. "Are you...Corl?" After I said that, his face turned into concern. "Did...did you forget me...?" Corl started to tear up. "No no no." I hugged him. "I would never forget a friend like you." I smiled. "I would never either." He hugged back tightly. "Hey, I've noticed that you have been carrying this blue...glowing...thingy." Corl started to explain. "Yea..." I slowly nodded. "What is it exactly?" Corl smiled sweetly. "'s a wishing amulet." I told him and took it out. "Ooooh! Pretty! What have you don't with it?" Corl asked so innocently. "Oh.....what I did....uh....I wished for Alex, Sub, and Sketch to never my world." I sighed with regret. "You....what? Who are they-" "They're your bestest friends, Braden." I looked at him helplessly. "Oh....sorry....I just don't remember. It must have been a very long time since I've seen them then if I can't remember!" Corl scratched the back of his neck and chuckled. I looked down at the amulet. I teared up. "I wish, I wish, to have Alex, Sketch, and Sub back in the house and in my world!" I shouted. When I named someone, their colour would burst out of the amulet. When I shouted Alex, purple light shot out of it. When I shouted Sketch, orange light shot out. And when I shouted Sub, green light shot out of it. "I hope this makes everything go back to normal..." I muttered before everything changed.

White light shines.
5 friends share fun times together.
Before, they were separated on purpose and then was brought back into Denis' world, because he regretted his choices.
Now, they are back together.
In the house of the Pals.
What adventures would come up next?
Find out, on the next book. (There's not "next book" btw cuz it flopped when I made it)

"Hey! Can I do the outro?" Alex begged. "No." Corl pushed Alex out of the way. "Hey, no fighting." Denis looked at Corl. "Ugh. Why can't I?" Corl whined. Alex stood up and crossed his arms. "Don't be like Denis when he hated me!" Alex pouted in a kid voice. Denis chuckled. "Don't be a Denis." Denis smiled. Corl sat down on the couch and muttered to himself. "Hey, can't we all just do the outro for this first book?" Sketch walked over. "Sure!" Sub smiled with joy. "C'mon Corl, get over here!" Denis carried Corl in his arms. "Ok, is everyone ready?" Alex jumped up and down cheerfully. "Yes." Everyone except Corl said happily. "I guess yea." Corl shrugged. "Ok. Three, two, one!" Alex counted down. "THANK YOU FOR READING!!!" Everyone shouted. "THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" Alex waved. "We can't thank you enough." Sketch smirked. "There will be more to this story, though!" Corl added. "This isn't the official ENDING." Denis explained. "THERE WILL BE ANOTHER BOOK!!" Sub smiled. "Well, I guess we'll see you in the next one!" Sketch winked. "BYEEE!!" Alex screamed with joy.

There is not going to be another book

Be Careful What You Wish For~A Pals FanficWhere stories live. Discover now