Composing song

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Okay I don't have anything in mind." V says
I have nothing." J-Hope says
Me too."
Okay I think we can't compose a song for our new album, "Love Yourself" Jin complains
Your being negative Jin. Jungkook comments
What? It's true tho.Jin awnsers back
Seriously can't you be like positive? A little?Jungkook scolds
Why are you scolding at me I'm like 5 years older than you!Jin scolds back
What ever.
Your being rude!ChimChim!Suga Comments
What?Why?Jimin asks
Cause your being rude to the oldest!RM Says sternly
Oh...okay..Jimin says embarrassed
Now youre embarrassed I can't believe!Jin Exclaims

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 28, 2018 ⏰

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