Part 2

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They were three weeks into their new sleeping arrangements and things had gone surprisingly smoother than she would have thought. Until that point they hadn't experienced any hiccups, but they had two days coming up where they had media obligations in two different cities. She was apprehensive about trying to go to sleep without him there, and more than a little anxious over how he would fare without her. Just as she'd thought, she tossed and turned the first night, eventually giving up and turning on her phone to distract herself. She wasn't surprised when she received an 'Are you awake?' text from Finn, and she ended up calling him.

They still didn't get any sleep, but he kept her occupied in mostly meaningless conversation, which was better than staring at the clock for hours. She stumbled through her day, tired but still functional and begged off of going out with some of the other girls that night. The second night was worse, the lack of sleep from the first night compounded the misery of not being able to sleep, and Finn didn't answer her texts or calls all night, which was unlike him and had her really worried. She didn't hear from him until she was on her way to the airport the next day. One of the other wrestlers had given him a sleeping pill and he'd been desperate enough to try it. He was pretty shaken when she talked to him. The pill had made him numb, unable to move or talk or do anything, but he still hadn't slept. He'd spent an entire night basically paralyzed in his bed, and it had understandably freaked him out.

When they saw him at the arena that night the first thing she'd done was wrap her arms around him, and he practically collapsed against her. He'd looked like death warmed over, and as bad as she knew she felt after two nights without sleep, she knew it had been ten times worse for Finn. He didn't let her go and they stayed like that for a long time, his forehead resting on her shoulder. She remembered how much he'd enjoyed it, so she began to run her fingers through his hair and felt him relax a little.

Neither was aware of the image they presented, completely oblivious to the type of looks they were receiving from everyone passing in the hall.

They both did their best to push through the exhaustion and do their jobs that night. Finn had obviously reserved what little bit of energy he did have for his match because afterwards he was a zombie. She'd had to take care of him and steer him through the necessary steps to get him to the hotel and settled in. She hadn't made it to town in time to check into her room before the show, and she didn't want to leave Finn alone for even the short amount of time it would take her to do so, so she just brought her bag with her to his room. She'd had to prompt him to go change and then had to turn around abruptly when he'd started undressing, too out of it to notice she was right there. She could feel her whole face warm even though she hadn't seen anything she couldn't see on a regular basis when he was in his ring gear. When she came back from the bathroom after changing he was sitting on the edge of the bed staring off into nothing. She gently pushed him to climb under the covers, and as soon as they were curled up together she felt him sigh in relief. Both were asleep in moments.


They thankfully didn't have to go through anything like that again, both being careful to make whatever arrangements they had to so that they were always in the same city at night. They stopped bothering with booking two separate rooms after that too. Finn had pointed out that they were wasting a lot of money just for a place to change clothes when the bathroom could easily accomplish the same thing. They continued their arrangement for the next several weeks and continued to grow closer in the process. Despite the fact that she'd lived with her ex-boyfriend for longer than she'd even known Finn, she felt like she and Finn had a deeper connection than anything she'd ever had with her ex, and every day spent together, every night spent in the same bed seemed to make it even deeper.

Sharing personal space with him all of the time was for the most part pretty amazing, but at times it also felt like torture. She never tired of his company so having him there so much was awesome, and she never got bored or lonely, but he was a beautiful man, and seeing so much of him was bound to make any woman feel a little hot and bothered and she was not immune. Of course if the worst part about it was dealing with a little sexual frustration then she would take it any day. He'd never shown any kind of interest in her that way, so she was careful not to let it show (as much as she could, she couldn't help the fact that she woke up wrapped around him like a pretzel every morning), and they easily fell into a routine until Finn announced one afternoon,

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