Chapter 11

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"Before we actually get home, I need to go to the store to pick up a shit ton of junk food for the movie. Want to come Y/n?" Yin raised his hands behind his head, his eyes on you.

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Good, you can help me pick some out baby girl~." Yin finished the sentence off with a quick wink and wiggle of his eyebrows, prompting Laiza to scoff at his actions.

"Sounds good, I love eating." The three of you let out light laughs, still walking along.

"So, everybody is excited that you're coming over." Laiza informed, wrapping an arm gently around your shoulder to pull you closer. Before you could resist, he leaned closer to you, his lips brushing against your ear gently, and whispered. "In both ways kitten~" A familiar heat rushed to your face at his words, so you quickly pulled your jacket sleeve over your face to hide your blush. Both of the males next to you let out an amused chuckle, finding your actions adorable.

"Aw~ are you embarrassed?" Yin scooped your hand into his, attempting to further fluster you. It worked.

"Shut up...!" Yin let go of your hand, swiftly wrapping his arms around you and, without trouble, lifting you up. Giggles erupted from the both of you as he began to carefully swing you around in his arms, happy that you were enjoying yourself. Laiza was not so fond of your little moment. He let out a low growl as Yin finally set you down, still chuckling and laughing along with you.

What you had realized was, although Yin was very tough and troublesome on the outside, he was incredibly silly and sweet on the inside.

"Hey Laiza, you should probably get going. You know, help the boys prepare the house a bit?" A grin stretched across his face as Laiza let out a light sigh, very jealous of the connection between you two. He didn't want to just let you go with Yin and risk you liking him. But, he also didn't want to be seen as clingy, ending with you thinking less of him.

"Fine fine, even though we have servants for that... I'll go..." The usual confident smirk Laiza wore finally graced his lips once again, showing he was thinking of something. He leaned in and gave a quick peck on your cheek, along with a light pat on your head. The red that spread acrossed your face only caused his grin to widen and confidence to grow. "Hurry back kitten~" With that, he walked away, presumably to the house. Silence filled the air between you two, but Yin soon broke it with a tired sigh.

"Don't let him get to you, he flirts with every girl Y/n." Yin had a look of jealousy, but his tone was sincere. Although you already knew that, the fact slightly stung, the fact that he may think of you like every other girl.

But in reality, that's far from the truth

"Hey, don't be down about that, you were a loser either way." Yin snickered at his own comment, as did you. The silly jokes he always made at these times always seemed to cheer you up, that's why you were always so drawn to him.

"Thanks, So, do you have any set list of what you need to get?"

"Nah, just anything to munch on while watching a movie."

"Got it." After a little more walking, you both arrived at the corner store near his house. When stepping in, the usual aroma of food and makeup products hit you. Meanwhile, Yin clutched your hand and pulled you along to the food aisles, ignoring the odd stares from everyone around.

" Theodore loves sweets, Hinata isn't picky, Laiza loves candy, and Enton likes chips. It doesn't matter what kind so we'll just get a variety." He began to list everybody's preferences while glancing around. The last name, however, caught you off guard.

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