Chapter 19

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"Ugh, this isn't even fair." You childishly whined, slightly puffing your face while crossing your arms.

After playing around a majority of the tutoring session, you both decided to call it quits. You would have just left, but knowing Enton he was so uptight about you being near the other guys that he practically begged you to play a game with him. And you'd be lying if you said you weren't enjoying it, the part where you were winning that is.

"Oh really? What part isn't fair?" He chuckled slightly, pushing a few strands of his blue hair out of his face.

"The part where you win." You pouted, playfully pushing him.

"So sorry, how about you do better then?" Enton sassed back, a smirk stretching on his lips.

"Don't give me that sas!" Both of you let out light chuckles together, almost forgetting the game completely. He slapped your shoulder and playfuly shoved you. You took it as a challenge, so right when he slapped you, war commenced. Challenge on.

The both of you got into a very immature play fight, having too much fun while slapping and pushing eachother. Something you had never noticed either was how incredibly comfortable you had become around the male, maybe more so than the others.

Somewhere in the middle of playing around, the two of you got very close, and you only noticed this once the laughter of you both had ceased.

His blue eyes made contact with your e/c eyes, the close proximity of you two making you blush like crazy. Every other guy in that household would have made a move by now, and even you know that, but he didn't. There was definitely something different about him, now that he was completely himself in front of you, it was blatantly clear.

His orbs flickered from your eyes to your neck, which only worsened the rapid beating of your heart. This whole situation made your body tremble and your heart go a million miles per second. Without even realizing it, you were leaning in to kiss him.

Expecting to feel lips, you became very confused as you felt nothing but air. When finally opening your eyes back up, you saw Enton scooted back with a confused expression on his face. A heat rushed to your cheeks as you realized that you had not only tried to kiss Enton, but you were rejected in the process.

"Listen, Y/n. I would love to kiss you, but I don't want to take it too fast." He gulped, clearly unnerved by the situation. "Don't get me wrong..! Your gorgeous and.. And you have a great personality! I.. I mean you make my heart flutter but I.. Oh gosh... I'm sorry. " The male face palmed, wishing he wouldn't have rambled on like that. But honestly, you just thought it was absolutely adorable.

"It's okay, I totally get it." You reassured him, awkwardly patting him on the shoulder. "I mean, thank you and I'm glad you think so, I mean your hot too. You also make my heart flutter so I feel ya, but your right. Too fast." You rambled as well, only proving how weird you could be sometimes. After the awkward exchange, you both held your heads down, slightly nervous to look up again. But ironically, the both of you just looked up at each other and chuckled lightly, pink dusting both of your cheeks at this point.

"Well, I'm going to go downstairs to the guys, alright?" You managed to squeak out, standing up and dusting off your jeans. Somehow, you had really lightened up to him over the three hours, even after he turned you down, your heart bounced with delight at his smile.

"Yeah, I won't hold you up any longer. Just promise me you'll be careful around them?" You smiled at the question, lifting your finger up to your chin in a thinking posture.

"Maybe." You giggled slightly, stepping closer to the door. "I'll see you later Enton." You waved while slipping out of his room, both sure where you were headed next. As the male watched you exit, he smiled quietly to himself. His heart pounded with the only feeling of love for you, but he felt weird about it. The feeling that it would get worse before it got better.

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