Chapter 30

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Maybe he was right in a way? Is that bad to think?

Yeah, you wanted to make up with the girls more than anyone else, but should you have to be the one to make up with them? Of course, you knew you would apologize, but maybe you shoold wait to see if they mention anything to you instead?

Great, more doubts.

You lowered your phone from your face slowly, your expression showing how defeated you felt. Laiza was still walking next to you, although looking forward, he was giving you a side eye glance every few seconds. He was probably wondering what your next move away after what he said.

"I see you've taken what I said into consideration?" He asked knowingly, a smirk creeping onto his face as he turned his head towards you.

"W... Well, I guess I'll just wait and see if they reach out, for now." God, could this get any worse?

When you both eventually arrived home, Laiza gently took you into his arms and gave you a much needed hug. You returned the gesture and did the same, burying your face into his shoulder.

"Don't be so stressed about everything kitten, it will turn out okay." His hand rubbed circles on your back soothingly, matching with the comforting tone in his voice. You felt him give you a quick kiss to your head, his smile pressed against your h/c hair.

"I'm here."

•  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Just as you piled two towels on your counter, there was a knock at your door. Toffee sat at the bathroom door, now looking towards the direction of the sound, a growing sound emitting from his throat. What an adorable tea cup guard dog.

"Toffee shhh." You shushed the puppy and stepped over it, walking to the door. Quietly you pushed your body up against the door, inching your eye closer to the peep hole. On the other side was a certain blue haired boy, so of course, you immediately opened the door.

"Hey, come in Enton." You insisted, moving back to give him room. He stepped in with a light smile glued to his face, looking around at his surroundings.

"Hey Y/n, I came because... This may sound creepy, but I've been worried about you." There was a strong sense of worry and sympathy laced into his voice, your heart melting at his caring face and words. A grin crept onto your face as you nodded your head, shutting the door shut.

The both of you started walking, you leading the way towards the couch. For some reason, Toffee was being incredibly aggressive, growling, snapping, and barking at Enton. It was very surprising since Toffee rarely ever barked, or really anything for that matter,he was very quiet. Seeing as you didn't want to put him in danger, not knowing the full extent of the puppy's power no matter how small he was, you quickly locked the dog in your room for him to chill out.

The moment you sat onto the couch, Enton leaned forwards and wrapped his arms around you, taking you into his arms like you were his own teddy bear.

"Stop it, I can tell by the look on your face how stressed you are." He said softly, exhaustion clear in his voice. You practically melted into his arms, allowing yourself to lean into him like that.

"Yeah, I know, I just have a lot to think about." You said, a smile creeping onto your face. You've noticed how sweet Enton really was, especially as of late.

You just sat in that position for a while, his arms wrapped lovingly around you while you just leaned into him. It was so comforting. Sometimes you don't need words, just a hug, or anything along those lines could make someone, especially you, feel better.

Slowly, he pulled back then hopped up off the couch, stepping off to somewhere else while saying; "Well, I understand that, so I'm going to make you a surprise as you let out everything that's on your mind."

"Oh really, and what makes you think I want to do that?" You said, one eyebrow raised as you watched him walk into the kitchen. He began to pull out a shit ton of ingredients, too much to keep track of, while you kept your eyes on his figure.

"Because, I'm your friend, you like food, and your stressed." He grinned, cracking an egg into a bowl with ease. You found yourself chuckling, he did have a point, and you've thought about it a lot, and even talked about it quite a bit, but he offered... So why not?

"So, go ahead, I'm listening." He was now throwing in seperate ingredients that you nearly forgot that you even had, mixing it soon after. Now strolling into the room, you inclined towards the counter and carefully pulled your butt on top of it, sitting while observing.

"Well, first worry, I'm not sure if I should wait for Kori or Kaira to make the first move to make up or if I should." You said, studying him as he mixed a large bowl of products, getting it everywhere as if he were a child.

With a speck of butter on his nose somehow, no I do not know how he got it there, he turned towards you, stopping his mixing momentarily. You couldn't help but giggle, he was truly a kid on the inside, and that just made him grin even more.

"Don't over think it, if you wait and they offer to make up, they go ahead. If you don't want to wait, then go ahead and see how it goes ya know? Either way, there is one thing I want you to promise me." The blue haired male began, looking back to you. Both of your eyes met, a heat now rushing to your face. Out of embarrassment, you just nodded your head at him then tipped your head down, hiding your face.

"Just don't let the boys stop you, because I know they will try." He paused to think before continuing; "I know how much they mean to you, as well as the boys, but don't let them take you away from the girls okay? Guys come and go, but friends as close as you guys stay for life." He told you, turning back to continue what he was previously doing. What he said made plenty of sense, and you did take it to heart, but his words made you chuckle slightly.

"Says a boy, are you saying your going to leave me then?" You joked, puffing your bottom lip out in a pouting manor. Once again, he halted and peered at you, scanning your face. Before you could say anything, he advanced towards you, reaching out a hand towards your face. The moment he stood in front of you, his fingers made contact with your jawline, gently rubbing his thumb against your cheek.

That's when the butterflies really hit you, you couldn't control anything, everything felt like jello as your face burned a bright red. Unconsciously, you bit your bottom lip, losing your preceding pouty face. The moment you did that, Enton's eyebrows nearly jumped off his face, his hands stopping completely where they were.  Just as soon as they stopped, his fingers, as well as his eyes, started traveling down to your lip. His thumb ran along it, the unknown feeling shocking you slightly.

"Never." He whispered huskily into your ear, sending ahivers down your spine. Goosebumps popped up everywhere as his touch lingered, both of you just staring into each other's eyes, besides when he glanced down at your lips.

Enton began easing towards you, moving his thumb to make room for his lips. He only inched closer and closer, you frozen in place. His lips finally met yours, and the world completely fell away around you. It was soft and soothing, making you feel how no one else could, what no other words could express.

Unfortunately, it ended as soon as it began. The blue haired male jumped back, startling you and causing you to jump. When you opened your eyes, about to ask what happened, you realized the problem.

Growling echoed through the room, as well as barking while the foul, iron smell of blood filled the room. That's when you saw the cause.

"Ouch, I'm sorry, can I have a rag?"

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