Part 3

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"Hey Medusa!" You woke to Pansy screech at you.

You groaned, pulling the blanket over your head. You knew you still had a couple hours before the time you said that you'd meet Blaise. "What do you want, Parkinson?"

"You're Draco's best friend, which outfit do you think he'd like better?" She held motioned to the clothes lying on her bed. You were amused by the amount of stress she had put on the word 'friend', and it made you wonder how threatened by you she was. Taking the covers off, you sat up, eyeing the clothes. They were both hideous, in your opinion. For someone with as much money as her family had you'd think she'd have a better fashion sense.

"The one on the left." While you didn't consider yourself to be a petty person, you did admit you had picked the uglier out of the two. Figuring that you were now awake, you might as well get up. You took your time getting ready, making yourself up and picking out a nice outfit. You, unlike Pansy, knew how to dress yourself effectively.

As you walked outside to where you were supposed to meet Blaise, you spotted Draco and Pansy who were also walking toward the entrance to Hogsmeade. Draco let out a low whistle when he saw you.

"I always forget how nice you clean up, Y/N," He smirked, and you heard Pansy let out a frustrated huff.

"I don't know how you forget considering you've been my partner to every ball since we were toddlers." You monotone, but your heart flutters at his compliment.

"Let's go, Dracey!" Parkinson whines and you raise your eyebrow slightly at Draco, asking an unspoken question of how in the hell do you put up with that.

He just shakes his head before giving into his girlfriend's whims, walking away with her. Waiting for Blaise, you leaned against a tree and surveyed your surroundings. The leaves were changing color, much to your delight, covering the landscape in different shades of orange and red.

"I hope you weren't waiting long." Blaise's voice is soft as he steps into your vision, eyeing you carefully, "You look nice."

"Thank you, as do you." You can tell he dressed up as well, picking more formal casual clothes. It was sweet, you thought, that you both knew each other for most of your lives yet both of you were still dressing up to try and impress each other.

"Shall we?" He asks, holding out his arm for you to take.

"We shall." You smiled, linking your arm with his. The two of you first went to Honeydukes, picking out candy to snack on before going to the typical date spot of Hogwarts couples, the clearing behind the fence of the Shrieking Shack. Lounging, you two enjoyed each other's company, making light conversation.

"Why did you ask me out?" Blaise asked suddenly after a lull in the conversation.

You frown slightly, flicking your eyes to look at him before turning your head to face him. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, why did you ask me on this date?"

"Because I am interested in you and wanted to see if things could work between us?" You phrased it as a question, unsure as to what he was getting at. "Why?"

"Wondering if you were feeling the heat of cuffing season and was looking to find someone quick." He teased you, smiling, though you could tell there was another reason why he had asked.

"Blaise." You say simply, as if to tell him you knew that wasn't the real reason he asked. You shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, something you had never quite felt the need to do before.

Slytherin Ice Queen | Blaise Zabini/Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now