Part 4

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"Y/N." You heard your best friend whisper into the darkness.

"Yes, Draco?" You peeked one eye open and were met with his face inches from yours. It was summer, the summer after your eleventh birthdays, which in turn meant you would be boarding the train to Hogwarts in a matter of weeks.

"Do you think we'll be sorted into the same house?" He asked quietly, reaching out to take your hand under the blanket. You two had been having sleep overs since essentially infancy, so your parents had no qualms with you two sharing a bed.

"I don't know, Draco, I hope so." You smile and squeeze his hand.

"But even if you're sorted into another house besides Slytherin, we'll still be best friends, right?" He continued, worry lacing his tone.

You giggle at this. It was amusing that he automatically assumed that he would be in Slytherin and if one of you were to be sorted into a different house, it would be you. You knew what house you would be sorted in, you ambition was well known within your parents and your own friend groups, but you decided to soothe your best friend's worries none the less.

"Of course, you have nothing to worry about. Goodnight, Draco."

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Draco?" You said softly, looking down at him, his head in your lap.

The two of you were sitting next to the Black Lake, your back leaning against the tree as you idly played the white hair that was splayed against your legs.

"Yes, my friend?" He looked up, his eyes meeting yours.

"Would you care to be my date to the Yule Ball?"

"You had to ask?" He grinned up at you and felt yourself grinning back.

"Your children are beautiful, both of yours." Mrs. Nott said to the Y/L/Ns and the Malfoys, who were conversing at a table at the Nott's Christmas Ball. She nodded towards you and Draco gliding across the ballroom floor, stepping in sync with one another. Your dancing was fluid, comfortable, and absolutely gorgeous. Any on looker would be able to see that you two had danced for hours before, with you seamlessly following Draco's lead, eyes rarely leaving each other's. "How old were they when the marriage was arranged?"

Both of your parents thanked the woman before they frowned.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," You father spoke first.

"They aren't engaged." Narcissa Malfoy replied, shaking her head.

"Oh, pity they aren't." Mrs. Nott clicked her tongue before moving on to play hostess with another guest.

"What do you think they're talking about?" You ask your dance partner, noticing the table turn to look at you two before continuing to talk.

"Probably the fact we're completely anti-social and only speak to each other at these horrid events."


"I love it, Draco." You smiled softly as you looked down at the tear drop shaped emerald pedant necklace that your best friend had gifted you for Christmas.

"Do you want me to put it on you?" Draco asked as he took the velvet box from your hands and pulled the silver chain from it. You nodded, quickly turning around.

He carefully unclasped it and draped it across your chest, his hands grazing your collar bones as he did so. After he had clasped it again, he gently pulled you hair from under the chain before his hands found your shoulders and guided you back around to look at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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