Part 1

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"I'm so happy for you, Pansy." You say as you force a smile at your friend. She had just told you that she and your best friend, Draco Malfoy, has started officially dating. Sitting there in front of the fire in the Slytherin common room, you wonder why he hadn't told you himself.

Calling Pansy your friend was a little bit of an exaggeration, you put up with her because she was friends with, and not supposedly dating, Draco. You and the blond boy had grown up together, your parents were close friends, being as you were both a part of the Sacred 28, so it was only natural that you would become best friends as well. You were a platonic power couple, as you two joked. Seas of students parted as you walked down the corridors hip to hip. While Draco was known for his boisterous insults and loud bragging, you were known for your chilly and quiet demeanor. It made people uneasy, you were told, when you looked at them from the side of your half-lidded eyes, a small smirk twitching at the corners of your mouth as you leaned and whispered something in Draco's ear. The entire house of Ravenclaw and Slytherin refused to play poker with you since you always won with your icy, stoic expressions. Goyle once told you that you had what the muggle born students called a 'resting bitch face.' You told him if he ever used the word 'bitch' again when referring to you that you would make sure he would never be able to have children. This was said with a strategic severing charm to cut the blades of grass between his legs, as you sat in the lawn by the Black Lake. You knew he believed you. But it was because of your quiet and collected attitude that when you opened your mouth to speak, everyone in the vicinity turned their ears to listen. Your very presence commanded attention and respect from your peers. You never bragged about your blood status, nor did you torment students who weren't purebloods, like your best friend.

"She's stuck up,"

"I swear her glares could turn people to stone."

"Watch out, it's the Slytherin Ice Queen."

"Second year I thought she was the one who released the basilisk, since they're one in the same." Were all things you had heard whispered behind hands as you walked the halls of Hogwarts, but a quick glance to the side at gossiping students had shut them up rather fast. Pansy had taken to calling you Medusa because of your stony stare, much to your annoyance.

"Medusa and her fellow gorgons are supposed to be hideous," You say evenly as you, Draco, Blaise, Theo, and Pansy sit in the Great Hall at dinner one night, "So wouldn't that nickname be far better suited for yourself, Pansy?" There was a smile on your lips but daggers in your Y/E/C eyes as you look across the table at the fellow Slytherin. "Or maybe comparing you to a Harpy would be more accurate, considering your obnoxiously high and nasally voice."

Blaise, Theo, and Draco roared with laughter as Pansy gaped and then tried to sputter out a witty reply, only to have her voice be drowned out by the boys.

"Now, Y/N," Draco said after he had calmed down a bit, though he was still grinning, "Let's play nice." He was always encouraging you to attempt at getting along with Parkinson, but when she backhandedly insults you, you had no choice but to retaliate.

"Wow, Draco Malfoy telling me to play nice, mark that down in the history books for the greatest hypocrisy of the wizarding world." You grinned back with a smile you had reserved for him.

Draco was who you first learned how to dance with, and it was rare you left each other's sides at the balls your families attended together. Often times your parents would find you standing on the outskirts of the dance floor, champagne glasses in hand, quietly whispering about anything and everything. Though, honestly, the safest guess as to what you were whispering about would be criticisms of how your peers chose to dress themselves that night. Once you got bored of judging from a far, Draco would set down his glass and hold out his hand, which you would immediately take and the two of you would stride into the middle of the swaying couples with all the grace and dignity in the world.

Slytherin Ice Queen | Blaise Zabini/Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now