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(Arya's POV)

I had just returned from sovngarde and gained the ability to call Odahviing freely and was walking down the steps to High Hrothgar when I heard a dragon roaring in the sky and I was very surprised when it landed near me and said. "Hail thurin I am Dragcoviir and I wish to taste your Thu'um." " Very well"  replied." I gathered my breath and shouted "Yol Toor Shul! "Ah the dragon blood runs very strong in you Dovahkiien. Your Thu'um is something to be feared and respected!" Dragcoviir said. "You may call me freely Dovah and know that I speak for many other Dovah when I say that myself and those that follow me will obey your commands, well within reason." And apon saying that he flew off into the night.
        The next day....
As I woke up I heard something approaching me and so I slowly reached for a throwing knife and stayed silent until it was nearly apon me then I tried to jump is though it realized I was coming at it and attacked me I then proceeded to fight back and we fought for what felt like hours until it stabbed me in the back and stole most of my belongings including all but one of my health potions and before it left said "I work for the daedric prince of order and my family was killed by your ancestors during the oblivion crisis and it was done without honor so thus your death will be without honor coward though I leave you with one health potion so that you can reach the greybeards so they can give you your last rights, which was more than the hero of kvach gave my family, oh, one more thing, my dagger was poisoned with a unique poison of my own invention so only I have the antidote so in a days time you will slowly begin to die and trust me your death will be very agonizing and I would hurry if I were you because you don't have much time left." So I slowly began walking and I finally reached High Hrothgar where master Borri met me and I collapsed into his arms.
           The next day.......
I slowly came to and realized that I was in the Temple of Kyntheth Whiterun and asked "Is there any chance that I will live and please be honest?" "I'm afraid that there is little to no chance that you will live without receiving  an antidote dear, I'm very sorry." Replied Danica Purespring who is the head priestess of Kyntheth. "Then please make it quick and end me now!" I shouted!!! "No, I can't do that!" Danica said. "Then let me do it I refuse do die a slow death." I said. "Here." said Vilkas handing me a dagger. "You've been a great harvenger and I'm honored to have known you!!" Vilkas said." "The honor is mine Vilkas and I name you the new Harvanger of the companions." I then proceeded to drive the dagger directly into my heart and I died

(No one's POV)

I observed the dragonborn end her life and smiled

End of part one

The 4th Imperial Empire book 1. The Beginning.         (A Skyrim Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now