Chapter 5: The Journey to the Throat of the World part 1

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Warning: Mature Content

(Serana's POV)

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that I would love someone as much as I love Kiya! I mean look at her she has two huge enormous beautiful boobs, a beautiful hairless pussy, gorgeous hair, and a caring personality who wouldn't want to fuck her. As I'm thinking this I put my hand down my trousers and start fisting myself though when I start moaning Kiya turns around and says, "As much as I like the sound of you doing that I'm trying to concentrate on this thrice blasted map and I now hate mountains more than I thought I ever would an- Quiet do you hear that?" "Hear what?" I ask. "The sound of something being drained dry, fuck, Fuck, FUCK!!!" Kiya screams! "Vampires, stand with weapons ready everyone!" As the said vampire comes out of the bushes it holds the bushes aside and we see the very, very, very strange sight of an elk drained of blood. "So you drink the blood of animals?" Kiya asks. "That I do and my name is Leo Morgan and please don't kill me." Leo says. "Very well you may live." Kiya says.

(Kiya's POV)

"How did you learn to drink the blood of animals and how can you be out in the light of day and suffer no ill effects?" I ask. "Well mam I discovered that if I drink the blood of animals that the light of day doesn't affect me and I never wanted to be a monster." Leo said. "Interesting, very interesting though if my father finds out he'll probably kill you." Serana says.

5 hours later......

As the sun begins to set I look at the stars and say the following prayer, " Auriel, parteon god of the snow elves, sea elves, and the fidorians light my path, show me the way to enlightenment show me what I must do, show me the path to the sword of light!" As I finish my prayer a pillar of light appears and a voice says from it, " My child I am Auriel and I shall show you your path to the blade you seek and know that you can trust the vampire Leo for he is snow elven and I blessed him so that if he doesn't feed on humans the sun shall not harm him and know this the greybeards have most of the answers that you seek now farewell my child, may my light guide you on you journey!" And on that note the pillar of light disappears and we fall asleep.

       The next day.......

"This is insane!" I yell as we're being chased by bandits! "Why do bandits always have to chase us?" "Don't they ever learn that it's not a wise idea to fight us?" Serana asks. "Apparently not." I reply. "So let's teach them a lesson!" Serana yells. " Very well." I say and on that note I yell, "mounted archers prepare to fire."

"Archers Ejactula Flamas. (it means fire arrows in Latin)" I yell. "Legions, advance with pila!" Then I see the bandit archers preparing to fire and I shout, " Legions tosudo formation!" As the legions lock shields the arrows bounce off the shields and I shout, "Legions attack!!" And as I say that a massive rift appears in the sky for a moment drops something from it and disappears. My men take advantage of the distraction and press the attack. There was much bloodshed this day and after an hour the bandits surrender and after we tie them up I go to investigate the thing that fell from the rift.

  End of Chapter 5

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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