Chapter 2: My First Battle

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It's been 2 weeks after we arrived in the providence of High Rock and we're nearing the boarder into Cyrildil and I'm beginning to hate it here in Tamrial because the people here are less hospitable than a falcon, there's no worship of Talos which is very surprising because there would be no Empire without Talos. As I'm thinking about this a group of people in hooded black robes accompanied by a large group of soldiers in what appears to be light armor gets out on the road in front of us and their apparent leader says, "halt, by the authority of the Thalmor you're all under arrest!" I reply by saying, "I think not because I'm a Nidirwalir rider and I only obey the council of rider elders and the High Queen of the United Republic of Sol her Royal Highness Kenna Rys Amelia Herondale!" "Then we'll make you surrender!!" And on that note the leader casts a lightning bolt spell at me and as the spell is about to hit me Knight Palidin Leia pushes me out of the way and the spell hits her in the head. As the happens my vision turns red and my eyes turn pure white and I say in a voice that is not my own,

"I am Kalson the spirit of justice and you have shown that your people fight without honor or valor and you show no reasoning behind your outlawing the worship of Talos for without Talos the hero of Kvach couldn't have defeated Umrial the Unfeathered nor would there have been a bloodline that could've stopped the oblivion crisis so I will give you one last chance to yield. What say you?" "Never!" said the Thalmor's leader. "So be it said the spirit of justice. "  And apon saying that the spirit of justice fired beams of pure energy at the thalmor and when the beams hit the thalmor they just turned into dust. As the spirit of justice was finishing them off the divine of justice appeared and snapped her fingers and gave Kiya complete control over the spirit of justice and as she did that Kiya came to and as she realized what she had done she broke into tears.

Seeing this the divine of justice introduced herself by saying, " My name is Alyss and you are the first mortal since the end of the Dawn Era to have the spirit of justice inside of you and survive to adulthood. You should be proud and yet you cry, did you know that they were all vampires and planned to keep those of you that are women as sex slaves and for those of you that are men they would torture you until you broke then keep you alive just so they would have a near unlimited food supply, or that you saved 10 young teenage girls back there in that wagon from being sold into slavery?" "No I didn't though they should have been given a chance to defend themselves but instead I killed them in a manner that has no honor!" I bawled. "Young one if you did give them a chance to defend themselves they would've killed all but the women and none of you would want a fate like that though I see that one of the vampires lives still."

As she said that I realized the vampires true intent, swung down from my horse and promptly beheaded the said vampire. And then continued to the wagon, freed the girls and asked them, "Do you have any family that still lives?" "Nnnnoooo madam." They replied. "Though we would appreciate it if you would escort us back to Cyridil." "Excuse me for a moment younglings, yes Lt Morgan?" "Milady we are already on a tight schedule and even if the captain wasn't injured, which she is the nearest port is at least 1 week of hard riding which I seriously doubt the captain could handle at the moment and I doubt the captain, without a healer, will not live for more than another 3 days at the least, 5 days at the most and no offense milady according to the map the nearest city is two days of hard riding away and as it is we don't have enough extra horses for the girls." Lt Morgan Stanley said. "Would we have enough horses if the girls doubled up?" I asked. "Yes and they're certainly light enough that it wouldn't strain the horses too much." Lt Morgan Stanley replied. "Then we do it like that." I said cheerfully.

As I said that I happened to look one of the girls in the eyes and as we made eye contact I froze. "Milady?" A soldier asked. "Shut up you idiot!"another soldier snapped. "That's the beginning of the soul mate bond!!!" "Oh!" Said the first soldier. As the second soldier was about to call the first soldier something far more vulgar I got off my horse and walked to my soul mate and asked, "who are you, and are you a vampire?" "I used to be, I got cured about a year ago so my father couldn't use my blood to taint Auriel's bow so he could blot out the sun and the were planning on taking me back to my father so I could be turned back into a vampire and used as bait for my mother so my father could finish the prophesy, and my name is Serana and I'm 6,055 years old. Serana replied. "Do you realize what just happened?" I asked in a soft voice. "The Beginning of the soul mate bond and yes I Serana hereby accept Kiya Arya Cassandra Septim as my soul mate!!!!" Serana declared in a loud voice!!! "Two things 1 tttthhhhaaannnkkkk yyyyoooouuuu sooooooo much you have no idea how happy this makes me and 2 how did you know the rest of my name?" "Your vvvveeeerrrryyyy welcome and your men have huge mouths." Serana replied. As Serana finished replying to my question I proceeded to give my men a dirty look and said, "we will be having a conversation on keeping our mouths shut whilest we are marching at the next most convenient opportunity." I said in a sweet tone. "And that reminds me we camp here tonight and first tent that is set up is the healers tent so the medics can treat Knight Palidin Leia on the double!!!" I shouted!!! "Mam yes Mam!!" My soldiers shouted back!! " Serana do you want to finalize our bond tonight?" I asked"  "YES, YES, YES!!!! Serana shouted as she danced around in glee!!!

     End of Chapter 2

The 4th Imperial Empire book 1. The Beginning.         (A Skyrim Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now