Remind Me

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August P.o.v

I havent talked to diamond since that whole"argument". As for me and adrienna,we been great,weve been talking everyday,Im really feeling her so far,she everything I want and need,She understanding,Patient,she listens to what u have to say,She's not selfish,she's there when u need her,and last but certainly not least She is BEAUTIFUL. Today I'm picking her up,were going shopping.(End of P.o.v)

*Phone Convo*

August:Hey lil one,You ready?

Adrienna:Boy I stay ready,neva catch me slipping.

August:*laughs*Yeah iight,Im outside lil thug

Adrienna:*Laughs* Alright *Hangs up*

*In The Car*

August:U look Pretty.

Adrienna:*Blushes* Thanks,So do you....Well you know,handsome

August:*Laughs* I know what u mean.

*At The Mall*

Adrienna:*See's a pair of Kd's*Omgggg *runs to them*

August:*Laughs* U look like a little kid on christmas morning.

Adrienna:*laughs* I feel like one too.

August:*Smiles* Adrie(gco)


August:*Looks Up*Diamond,What you doing here?

Diamond:I-Im shopping........for our baby *looks down*

August:Our Baby?

Diamond:Can I talk to for second....Alone?

August:*Looks at adrienna*

Adrienna:I'll be over there if u need me *Walks off*

August: So what do you our baby?

Diamond:*Teary Eyed* August the baby is yours,I said that so you couldjust get off my back at the moment.

August:*Shakes head* Wow,And that's the perfect way to do it *Being sarcastic*

Diamond:August Im sorry,I-Im just scared,Idk what to do,This is my first child,What if it doesnt works out,Idk what  I would do *Starts to cry* I just want the best for this baby august.

August:*Hugs her* Shhhh,I want the best for it too but before I try to give it the best,I gotta Make sire its mine,When the baby is born,I will be there but I need an DNA Test.

Diamond:*Nods in agreement and wipes tears* Thank you august,I see oyu have a new girlfrined

August:*Chuckles* She is definitely just a friend.

Diamond:*Smiles*So,Are you coming back "Home?

August:*Smiles a lil* U can count on it,See ya in a lil bit.

Diamond:*Smiles* Good *Walks away*

Adrienna:*Walks up with bag in her hand*

August:Why didnt u let me pay for it?

Adrienna:Because you were busy,didnt wanna seem selfish. *Walks past him*

August:*Follows her* Wait,Slow down....Whats wrong?

Adrienna:*Stops walking* August whats wrong is you need to make up your mind,Its either me or her,You keep telling me you ready to be in an relationship with me but It seems you like your still in a relationship with diamond. You cant have both. Choose One...Right Now


Who Do You August will choose? Diamond? Adrienna? Neither? Both? 

Who do you think he should choose? Why?

Until Next Time Yall.......

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