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In this one you are actually in team ten. Btw I am tryin to write like way ahead and post a story a day but that probably won't happen. Anyways comment if you want the main character to have a name in stead of Y/N. 


Y- Y/N

C- Chance

A- Anthony


I wake up to a pounding headache in the back of my head. I sit up and wipe the sleep out of my eyes. I look around my temporary "bedroom" in other words I slept on the trampoline. I grab my phone from the plug and check the time. Ugh it is 5:30. Jake walks down the stairs still blurry eyed but dressed in gym clothes. He walks over and sees me.

Y- why are you awake this early

J- I could ask you the same thing

Y- oh I kind of have a headache

J- ouch want some Tylenol 

Y- please

J- of course let me go grab it

He went up the stairs to his room. My stomach twisted and I swallowed but it did not work. I jumped up and ran into the bathroom my throat burned as I emptied my stomach. I felt hands pulling my hair out of my face. I stop and set back on my knees. 

J- okay are empty now

I nod slowly and jake hands me a cup of water I take a sip and swish it around in my mouth and spit it out. J- I thought you just had a headache Y- shut up I want to sleep. J- not yet come on Y- where J-you can sleep in my bed today Y- yay

He scoops me into his arms bridal style and carries me up the stairs. He sets me down on his soft cosy bed. I curl up around one of his pillows. He walks away and then he comes back in. I feel the bed sink in where he sat down next to me. 

J- okay sit up real quick 

I sit up and Jake pulls my hair out of my face and secures it with a hair tie.

Y- please don't tell anyone I am sick 

J- I have to go to work but I don't want to leave you alone

Suddenly the door creaked open and revealed a confused chance and Anthony wielding blow horns. 

C- dude are we interrupting something

J- no Y/N here is sick she just threw up so I was giving her my bed for a day 

A- oh um do you need anything 

J- Chance go make her some soup Anthony go get her a wet rag with ice and please don't prank her

A- roger

C- got it

Y- and please don't tell anyone

They walk out the door and I relax into the bed.

Y- my phone can you go get my phone

J- sure where is it 

Y- on the couch where you found me this morning 

J- k anything else

Y-  by any chance a mint

J- alright I will be right back

Jake left and less than five minutes later Anthony walked in with Chance on his tail carrying a tray of steaming hot soup and a grapefruit la croix. They come over next to the bed Anthony takes the wet rag he has and settles it around my neck and leans me forward to fluff a pillow and put it on my back he pulled the blankets up onto my lap and chance set the tray in my lap. Jake walked in then and handed me my phone. And set 3 boxes of tictacs on the tray.

J- k I called into work and they said I could have the day off.

C- yell if you need any thing we will be downstairs 

Y- k thank you 2 so much. 

The two of them walked out and Jake climbed into the bed next to me. He wrapped his arm around me and looked into my eyes. 

Y- I don't want to eat 

J- You need to renew your electrolytes 

Y- no I don't want to throw up again 

J- ok atleast drink some la croix it will settle you stomach

Y- fine.

I opened the can and took a sip feeling the fizzy flavored drink slide down my throat.

Jakes POV

I watched Y/N sip the la croix I reach over and take the tray off of her lap. She looks at me and I see the red in her eyes. God I hate seeing her sick she is usually one of the best best parts of my day. 

Y- what are you thinking about

J- um nothing much are you feeling better

Y- honestly no 

J- umm do you need anything 

Y- I kind of want to get out of these clothes 

J- k do you think you can get to your stuff then th bathroom to change

Y- yes but can you walk me


Jake stands up and stretches then he ushers me to stand up. I stand and he lets me hop on his back so he can give me a piggy back ride to where my clothing is. We head down and I dig through my bag till I find a pair of old spandex volleyball shorts and a cut off hoodie. He then carries me over to the bathroom and I change and brush my teeth. I open the door and jump on jakes back again. He carries me to his bedroom and plops me down on the edge of his bed. He sits down next to me and looks into my eyes as I get lost into the beautiful eyes he has he leans over and kisses me. I kiss back but pull away quickly. 

J- what what's wrong

Y- you are going to get sick

J- I don't care Y/N do you know how long I have wanted to kiss you

Y- ok but be warned it completely sucks. 

J - a risk I am willing to take.

With that he leans in and kisses me deeper this time more passionately. I pull him into a laying position and cuddle up against his chest as he keeps kissing my forehead I fall asleep to his slow smooth breaths.

Jake POV

I look down at Y/N as she sleeps peacefully wrapped around me. I pull her close and readjust myself to face her and give her one more kiss on the forehead and I fall asleep looking at her sweet angelic face

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