chapter 14

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I woke up tried to a chair. Whatever these people or person drugged me with, well let's just say it feels like I've been hit by a bus. Twice. The room is spinning right now, I can't see straight, and my head is pounding. "Hello?" I called out. Nothing. After a few more minutes of trying to get out I saw a figure come out from the shadows.

"Hello Katherine." No, it can't be. How did they find me? "Wolfbane. Toxic to werewolves like you, I also knocked you out with a little bit of ketamine. That's why you've been out for sixteen hours." She said.

"What are you doing, Mary." I said with disgust. She looked mad when I said her first name.

"That's mother to you." She yelled moving closer to me.

"I know the truth Mary. You kidnapped me when I was little for my powers." I yelled back. She smirked. I looked down and saw that I was chained to the chair, if I get some water I can rust the chains and break out, and I had the perfect plan.

"I took you to keep you safe." I looked down I started to fake cry. I had to make this believable. Looked up with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry mother. I'm so sorry." I said crying. She came over and hugged me. 

"It's okay honey. But you have to promise me something." I nodded. "Never try to run away again." Again, I nodded. She came over and hugged me again.

"Mom, can I have some water?" I asked. She nodded and left. Yes! My plan is working! I'm going to get out of here. Just a little longer Kat. Just a little longer. You know what? I should become an actress. Not even two minutes later Mary came out with two water bottles.

"Here you go sweetie." She said smiling. "Just let me know if you need anything. I'm going to be out for a while so just hang tight." She said walking out of the room smiling.

When I was sure she was gone I grabbed the water bottles and poured them on the chains, I used my powers to keep them on the chains. After about five minutes the chains were rusted enough for me to break them. I used ever once of strength that I had in me and pulled on the chains. They broke, but I still had the shackles on my wrists.

I started to walk out of the room and fell. Whatever she drugged me with, it's still taking effects. I got up off the floor even though my body is aching, and my head is pounding. I used the wall to help me move. It took a while to get out of the house, but I did. I knew how to get to Mom's from here. It was a far walk, and I have to go through the forest, but I have to get there. I walked down the road until I reached the forest. The apartment is on the other side, I just have to make it through. I got this. By time I got to the apartment building I had fallen a total of four or five times. My right arm is torn up, there are cuts all over my arms, legs, and face.

After about an hour I made it to the apartment. I walked to the elevator and waited. When the elevator stopped, I walked out and walked down the hall to Sally's apartment. I knocked on the door, then almost fell over. I'm getting weaker by the second. I grabbed the wall and heard someone opening the door. 

"Katherine?" Mom asked, and I collapsed. The last thing I heard before the darkness took over was Sally screaming mine and Percy's names and Percy walking out of the apartment.



"Katherine?" I heard my mom say. Katherine's back? She's been gone for so long! I was so worried about her. I heard mom scream my name, so I ran over to her and saw Kat covered in blood. I put a hand over my mouth in shock. Whoever did this to my little sister is going to pay! "Percy help! Grab her and put her on the bed." Mom said. I did what she told me. I picked Kat up bridal style and I put her on my bed.

"I'll go get some towels." I told mom running out of the room. I grabbed some towels from the bathroom, got them wet and ran to my bedroom. I handed the wet towels to my mom. She started to dab Kat's wounds. I'm so worried about her.

"Crap." I heard my mom mutter.

"What?" I asked my mom worried.

"Her wound's they're not healing. They should be healing." She started to worry.

"She can speed heal?" I asked looking at mom. She nodded.

"Whoever took her must have knocked her out with wolfsbane." She said bandaging Kat wounds and completely ignoring my last statement.

"Wolfsbane?" I asked my mom.

"It's toxic to werewolves. They can't heal if it's in their system."

Once mom had bandaged up Kat, all we could do was wait for her to wake up. I sat by Kat's side for about an hour and a half when she started to say things in her sleep.

"No. Not again. Percy! No. Don't say that. No!" She half-yelled. I started to shake her awake.

"Kat. Kat wake up. It's just a dream." I told her. She sprung awake and started to cry. I pulled her in for a hug and she started to cry into my shoulders. "It's okay. You'll be okay." I told her rubbing her back.


"Katherine, look what you did!" Mary said pointing over to her left. I saw everyone I ever loved dead and covered in blood. I looked down. There was blood staining my clothes and hands.

"No. Not again." I ran over to the first person I saw which was Percy. He was covered in scratches, bite marks and blood. "Percy! No."

"It's all your fault Katherine. If you would have just stayed with me, this never would have happened." Mary laughed.

"Don't say that! No." I cried.

"Kat. Kat wake up. It's just a dream." I heard Percy tell me. I sprung awake and started to cry. Percy pulled me in for a hug and I started to cry into his shoulders. "It's okay. You'll be okay. I got you. You're safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again." He told me rubbing my back. We sat like that for a while before I once again cried myself to sleep. I got maybe an hour of sleep before I woke up again. I went to the bathroom and took off the bandages that covered my arms and legs only to see that there was not even a scratch on me.

"Okay what the Hades is going on?" I asked no one. When I got to the apartment I was covered in cuts and bruises. I realized that my shirt was covered in blood though. I walked back to Percy's room and grabbed a plaid shirt. I don't think that he will mind. I walked out into the living room. Percy was on the couch and mom was in the kitchen.

"Mom!" Percy yelled running over to me. He trapped me in a bear hug. I started to cry in his shoulders and we fell to the floor.

"Percy!" Mom yelled running in the room. She saw me and joined us on the floor, she was also crying. I could have died today. I might not have been able to see my family ever again. My life has gotten so screwed up in the past month and the only thing that is keeping me sane is my family. They are my anchor. I don't know what I would do without them.


Hola!!! hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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