Chapter 1 - It's okay

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In a place like this, time passes so slowly

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In a place like this, time passes so slowly. The sun is piercing through a layer of clouds, shining on a lonely looking road. Sometimes, a car or two can be seen passing by, making their way to the capital city of Hwareon. Near the road was a village. It wasn't very appealing though. Only dirt roads, poor houses, farms, and people aimlessly walking around. Not so far away, in a less poor looking place was a small family house. Two floors, white walls, blue roof. The name above the front door says it's a home of the Jung family.

"What are you doing granny?" a little girl asked while standing in a doorway of grandma's bedroom.

"Not much, sweetie. Just watching neighbors' new puppy," grandma said, looking out of the window. Her health condition won't allow her to walk anymore so sitting in her wheelchair and watching the world fall apart was one of her favorite things to do.

"A puppy?!" The little girl's chubby cheeks started bouncing from side to side as she ran up to the window. "It's so cute! Do you think we could get one too?"

"Sooin-ah, you know we can't afford it."

"But I'm lonely!" Sooin pouted.

"You have Hyejinie."

"Granny, you may not know this but there's a difference between pets and friends."

"Oh really?" Granny chuckled.

"Um... well, you can't pet your friends, that would be weird. Or just touch them in general. I hate when they do that! Ew!" She shivered. "See? I even got goosebumps just from that thought!" Sooin stood up. "I mean, can't they be friends with me but from a distance? Tell me granny, is it really that hard to understand my needs?"

"And you still wonder why you're lonely?" grandma said while holding her laugh. 

"Don't answer my question with another question." Sooin crossed her arms.

"You might become antisocial one day, sweetie."

"I don't know what it means but no, thanks." Sooin said cutely. Grandma patted her head as they both started laughing. They loved these little conversations they had. Even though they were already so close to each other, it always seemed like with every new chit-chat they grew even closer.

"Sooin-ah, there's something we should talk about," grandma said after a while with a serious tone in her voice.

"If it's about the birds and the bees again I'm getting out of here!"

"I'm serious."

"I'm sorry," she apologized. "I'm listening."

"Well then... as you know, with the beginning of every person's life also comes its end. No one can be young forever and one day their soul will slowly fade away."

"But... you're not going to fade away too anytime soon, right? That's not why you're telling me this, r-right?"

"Of course not, sweetie. I mean, what I'm trying to say is... a time will come when I won't be around anymore and you will have to take care of yourself. Do you still have that book I gave you? The journal. My journal."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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