A Fight To Remember

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A/n: I'm changing the name of this story to just Fairy Tail x reader Dragon of the Sea, ok on with the story, oh and you can play the music if you want ;P

Your POV

Me and Natsu were standing outside the guild readying ourselves for the fight. Everyone was practically around us wanting to see who was going to win.

I was confident  that I was going to win but, who knows? I saw Cana betting who was going to win, a lot of people were betting on me to win even Happy!

But other people were betting on Natsu, I don't blame them, Natsu has grown stronger over the years, I could tell.

Before the fight started I put a barrier around us so the town and guild mates go flying to who knows where.

Master started the fight and Natsu ran towards me and tried to punch me several times but I dodged or deflected it easily. This went on for a while, until he used his magic on me, 

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!!!!" it came straight at me, I waited until it was a few feet away, I heard guild members yelling at me to move.

I bent backwards letting the attack hit nothing but air, I then ran to him and punched him in the gut full force. He staggered a few feet away until he regained his balance, I heard people cheering us on.

"So Natsu, are you done studying my moves yet or are we going to play cat and mouse the whole time?" I could see  peoples shocked faces Natsu's standing out the most but, was soon replaced by a smirk.

He threw a series of attacks at me but I kept  dodging them, I soon got bored and decided to finish this fight with a bang!

I suddenly remembered that some of them didn't know what magic I use so I decided to surprise them!

"FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!!" Natsu yelled, I could tell I was wearing him out because he was breathing heavily and I could see beads sweat running down his face.

I again stood still, the attack was coming closer to me...closer...closer...a little more, and it hit! I could see Natsu smirk and hear peoples shocked gasps or their cheers.

The smoke cleared and they could clearly see me perfectly fine without so much of a scratch on my body.

Everyone's faces held so much shock I couldn't help but burst out laughing 

Everyone's faces held so much shock I couldn't help but burst out laughing 

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Everyone's faces except Astra's

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They all shouted.

I faked a hurt expression and said in a whiny voice,

"Aw come on I can't believe you forgot!" I pouted and puffed out my cheeks.

Natsu's POV

'(Y/N) looked so cute when she poutes! Wait what!?'

Gray's POV

'She's so cute when she pouts. Wait did I just think that!? What's wrong with me!?'

Back to your POV

I brought everyone back from their shocked state by yelling,

"WATER DRAGON ROAR!!!!!!" it hit Natsu knocking him out instantly.

The fight ended with a knocked out Natsu and me doing a little victory dance.

The fight ended with a knocked out Natsu and me doing a little victory dance

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Time skip

Natsu was healing up, I was talking to Mira and Erza, everything was so cheery until I remembered a question I had to ask, 

"Hey Mira, Erza?" 

"Yes, (Y/N)?" they say in sync 

"Uh... I was just wondering where is Laxus?"

After I said that the whole guild became quiet, the atmosphere turned suddenly gloomy "Oh...um... sorry it's ok if you won't tell me" I say frantically.

I saw master gesture me to go to his office, 

"Y-Yes m-master?" 

"(Y/N)... you see Laxus.... I had to ban him because he endangered the lives of our guild mates"

I was totally shocked, the Laxus I knew would never hurt anyone unless they deserved it (for the exception of Gray and Natsu) and he trained me! That's basically why I was immune to lightning.

I needed to gather my thoughts since they were all over the place. Once I was on the main floor I felt someone hug me from behind.

I looked over my shoulder to see Natsu, tears streamed down my cheeks, I felt someone pat my head, I looked up to see Gray petting my head.

I felt stares and glares bore holes in me, but I ignored them and continued to silently cry.

Time skip

I was lying on my bed with Astra sleeping in my arms. I thought about the time since I came back: I had this weird feeling, Lucy... I have a bad feeling about her, like she doesn't like me or something. And Juvia too.

Lucy's POV 

'How dare she! I finally get close enough to the guild members, especially Natsu! And she just comes here like she owns the place! Wait, why should I be worried? I'm pretty sure they just miss her that's all. Soon they'll just forget her and Natsu will be mine!' 

I growled under my breath as I watched Natsu and Gray comfort her.

A/n: Thanks for reading! Again I don't own anything! Also next chapter the Tenrou arc will begin! Until next chapter! ;P

Fairy Tail x reader  Dragon of the Sea (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now