One Night Stand

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This wasn't my scene. at all. I don't even know why I'm here in the first place, I repeatedly told Ria that I didn't want to go out to some frat party hosted by some dumb college boys who carried around the stench of marijuana wherever they went. However she somehow managed to persuade me to come claiming that it was "about time you added some more excitement into your life."

As I scanned the room I took note of what people were wearing and what they were doing. The majority of girls were wearing too short skirts or revealing dresses that probably wouldn't even be classed as dresses due to the length. Groups of people were in corners smoking weed and passing blunts and bottles of alcohol that they would later on be throwing up as they knelt down by a toilet lid with a friend holding their hair back.

I didn't see the point in any of this behaviour, it never interested me. usually I wasn't invited to parties but this time I was and I never even considered attending because it simply wasn't my thing.

However, here I am. how ironic.

I snapped out of my train of thoughts to suddenly come to the realisation that ria was no longer by my side and was probably summoned over by a group of girls she knew. I inwardly sigh and I reflect on the choices I now have.
I could easily just walk out the door right now and leave without anyone noticing or questioning it, or I could stay here for longer and just observe all the drunk hormonal teenagers doing drugs and eating each other's faces.

Somehow the first choice sounded more appealing to me.

So with that, I started to push my way through the crowds of people to find the door - it was harder than I first thought.
once I had successfully made my way past the hustle and bustle I sighed in relief when I saw the front door in plain sight. now I could go home and enjoy an evening to myself watching Orange is the new black, eating Ice cream and just generally being unsociable.

Suddenly I was stopped by a tall figure who stood in front of me with his hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see who this boy was and took time to take in all his features. he was dressed head to toe in black; scruffy converse, ripped skinny jeans and a black tank top. His hair also matched his choice of outfit and I mentally took note of how attractive this boy was.

By this point I realised I had probably been staring at this person for a short while and it was most likely weirding him out.

"You're not going anywhere." he stated with a smug look on his face.

I was a bit taken aback by his bold statement. who was he to decide what I was going to do?! annoyingly, I found it incredibly hard to snap back at him when he just looked so fucking good looking.

Instead of coming back with something blunt I stuttered out, "Um...e-excuse me?"

The smug expression was still painted all over his face, "you heard me, you aren't going anywhere. I've seen you around school before and I must say I find you incredibly hot. Especially in that crop top and skater skirt of yours."

Wow. that was definitely not what I was expecting.

"Wait...what?! Sorry, who are you?" I said to him.

The tall boy chuckled and grinned at me, "oh I'm sorry I forgot to tell you my name, I'm Harry and I'm a second year college student. and you?"

"Um, my name's (Y/N) and I just started my first year. I'm not really interested in parties so I was just planning on leaving I'm-"

he cut me off abruptly from finishing my sentence by taking hold of my hand and dragging me away from the crowds into a small room at the end of the hallway.

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