Our First Time

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A/N: Hi everyone, so I had an idea for an imagine after re watching some Crabstickz stuff. When I tried to write it up, I kept wanting to add more and more, so It became a fanfic. I reeeeeeally enjoyed writing this, so I hope some of you will enjoy it too. I don't expect to get too much attention for it because of the dwindling Crabstickz fandom. If you do like it, don't worry, lack of notes won't discourage me as it's already all written. The whole thing will be posted. It's kind of short, only 8 chapters long, but the chapters themselves are lengthy. Also another thing is this fic is very cliche, and tropey BUT GOSH DARN IT CHRIS DESERVES A CLICHE FIC BECAUSE HE BARELY HAS ANY, ANYMORE! Sorry I just get very worked up about how small the Crabstickz fandom is now lol. Anyway I just wanted to write this, for any of you starving Crabstickz fans out there (like me) who just want to read a nice fic about Christopher James Kendall for goodness sake! The whole idea was based off this Chris's video "TMI" video on Crabstickz2. So I hope you like it! 

"When's the last time you kissed someone?" I heard Chris ask the question from his room. I was hanging out at Chris's flat. He often asked me to come over since we both were introverts and didn't really enjoy going out. Both of us derived much more happiness from being in small groups of friends. So, at least once a week I'd come over to Chris's house and just chill. Sometimes we didn't even talk that much, but just enjoyed not being alone, but also not having to go out. We both lived alone in small flats, which could often be very lonely. Today we'd watched a movie, but then Chris had insisted he'd procrastinated enough and that he needed to make a video. So I'd taken out my laptop and begun doing something productive as well.

I was an aspiring author, so I tried to make time everyday for writing. It was going pretty well, of course this wasn't my main source of income. I worked for a daycare five days a week. The daycare only lasted till 2:00 so I often had time to do other things I wanted to do. I really enjoyed the lack of pressure I felt around Chris, he always made me feel at ease, and was incredibly supportive of my writing.

"I'm done," Chris called, letting me know I could make noise if needed. I heard him moving around the kitchen. Something seemed off, he was banging around which was unlike him. Usually he was singing some dumb song or something. Now he was slamming cupboards and fridge doors. I heard him slam down a plate and decided I should go check on him. It was a subtle change in temperament, but since I'd been his friend for so long I knew something was different from when he began filming.

I wandered into the kitchen and sure enough Chris's face looked disgruntled. I plopped on one of the stools by the island. I heard him swear as he dropped a cup. It was plastic so there was no broken pieces, but Chris still seemed extremely annoyed.

"Okay, so something is definitely wrong with you," I laughed.

"Oh hey," He muttered, he must've been to involved in his own thoughts to have noticed when I came in.

"So you gonna tell me what it is?" I asked cautiously.

"Is there something wrong with me?" He asked finally turning towards me.

"No...." I didn't know where the hell this was going.

"Am I just horrifically ugly?" He asked now.

"No you're very good looking," I complemented, stealing one of lucky charms from the bowl he was preparing.

"Thanks," He muttered and turned to get the orange juice.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked again, shoving off the stool and coming to stand next to him.

"Sorry," He said solemnly. "It was just that question."

"Which one," I laughed. "It was a questions video."

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