We Are Allowed To Have Sex

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In the days that followed things were completely normal. Chris and I didn't act differently, it wasn't awkward or anything like that, which surprised me. The only thing that changed was that sometimes when Chris made dirty jokes I came to the odd realization that I'd experience the sex he was alluding to.

We'd kept up with our weekly chill sessions as well. We still hung out together as though nothing had happened. So far I hadn't felt the odd urge to fuck him again. I'd been at Chris's place an hour today, and I was really making some progress on my book.

"I'm going to run to the shops," Chris told me. "You're free to stay, I'll be back in like fifteen minutes."

"When you come back we should watch a film," I said moving the hot laptop off me and turning around on the couch to face him. He grinned at me from the entry way, looking at me through his fringe. I felt a slight uneasiness in my stomach. I was easily able to convince myself it wasn't butterflies from his smile, but that I'd eaten too much earlier.

"What film?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter," I shrugged. He then copied me, shrugging as well.

"I don't care either."

"Pick something up at the store then," I supplied.

"Alright, will do," He said waving as he left.

He returned just as I was finishing up the chapter I'd been writing. He shrugged off his jacket, and carried the plastic bags inside. I followed him into the kitchen with the aim of helping him put away the groceries. I was at his place so often that I knew where almost everything went.

As I was putting one cereal box of many in the cupboard left to the stove, I happened to catch Chris bending down from the corner of my eye. His pants tightened around his ass as he bent to put away the vegetables in the lowest drawer of the refrigerator. I seemed to not be able to rip my eyes away. This was utter nonsense, why was I looking at my best mates ass? Though as I continued putting things away, my eyes kept drifting to his body. I admired his thin arms, big hands, and the way his body moved under his thin graphic tee.

"Thanks for the help," Chris stood up straight now and fixed his hair.

"Huh?" I said, as I was ripped from my observance of his figure. Chris gave me an odd look as I blushed. Had he known what I'd been doing? What I'd been imagining doing again?

"Oh, yeah, no problem," I laughed nervously. He cocked his eyebrow, but continued to say nothing. He then leaned toward me and my body went into overdrive. Why was he leaning in? This couldn't happen again. He couldn't-.... Oh, he'd just been reaching behind me to grab the last grocery bag. I felt like an idiot for freaking out so much, and a little ashamed that I wouldn't even have considered stopping him if had been doing what I thought. He pulled out a movie with a title I didn't recognize.

"Is that the movie?" I was quick to ask the redundant question to distract myself from all the feelings rising inside of me.

"Yeah, it was so sale, so it might be shit."

It was in fact shit. Poorly acted, low budget, but somehow managed to have very attractive actors. We both entertained ourselves by making fun of the dialogue. Some of it was almost to cringey to handle.

"Oh lord," I laughed at the newest horrible line.

"You know what Chris?"

"What?" he responded not looking away from the screen, but instead grabbing a handful of popcorn.

"Seeing stuff like this sometimes makes me mad," I told him and he laughed.


"It's so annoying to me that horrible actors like these get to star in their own movie, then someone like you whose acting is pure gold, has trouble finding work." I glanced at Chris after my small outburst. His face hadn't changed but the tips of his ears were tinged pink.

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