Arguments and Crushes

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The next day, at the daycare, I felt a bit melancholy. The kids had noticed I wasn't quite myself. Delilah had made a paper mache swan to cheer me up, which it had, a bit. Sylvia had cried at least five times, claiming that I either hated them all now, or was dying. I'd tried to tell them I was just tired, but if even children didn't buy it, I didn't think others would. So I cancelled all the plans I had that day, on the pretense of sickness.

At 2:00 I was more than ready to go home and crawl in bed for a nap. My head had begun aching about an hour ago, and it was only getting worse.The kids were running about like mad, and it was taking every ounce of my strength not to snap at them.

"Wow looks pretty crazy here today," I heard a slightly familiar voice announce. I turned to see Quinn. He looked just as good as yesterday, not tired and worn out, as I'm sure I looked. I was starting to see differences in him and Tony. His nose was bigger, his skin was tanner, and his eyes had a golden glow that Tony's didn't. The cold had made him pull his faux leather jacket's collar up around his neck, which made him look a bit like a greaser.

"Yeah, you can't even imagine," I laughed.

"Quinn!" A small voice called indignantly. I turned to see the little boy standing with his hands on his hips, glaring up at his older brother. "What are you doing here?"

"What's up little bro," Quinn threw his palm out for a high five, but Tony ignored him.

"What are you doing here," Tony over enunciated, as if his brother was an idiot.

"Picking you up, mom is at Aunt Cynthia's house," Quinn explained.

"Why couldn't Jacob pick me up?" He demanded now.

"Jacob is fifteen, and can't drive," Quinn rolled his eyes. "Sorry, he isn't usually like this," Quinn mumbled to me, moving in closer to whisper. At that, Tony looked furious.

"It's been a difficult day all around," I shrugged.

"Tony," I said pleasantly. "Can you get your lunchbox and jacket please?" I asked.

"No problem!" he said brightly to my surprise. Tony pattered off to his cubby almost immediately.

"I don't know how you do it," Quinn laughed. "He never, and I mean NEVER listens to me like that."

"I have magical powers," I laughed waving my fingers in his direction. He clutched at his heart playfully, acting as if he'd been shot.

"Oh!" He cried. I laughed, but then he moved even closer to me, an endearing grin covering his face. "I think your powers are working on me," he said in a deep voice, and actually winked. To be honest no one had ever flirted with me this blatantly before. I knew I was blushing like crazy, but I really didn't know what to say. I wished desperately for Tony to come back, so I could use him as a distraction.

It wasn't that Quinn wasn't funny, and charming, and extremely attractive. He was all those things. It was just that I was stupidly in love with someone who was also funny, charming, and extremely attractive, and unfortunately, also my best friend. I didn't want to have to awkwardly explain how head over heels I was for someone else.

"You know," Quinn was still smiling that smile, and now his fingers brushed mine. "I think you look like you need a drink." I couldn't believe this, how was he so confident. I needed to speak up, to tell him this was completely inappropriate behavior for this setting, I mean he was practically kissing me.

"Hey Y/N," I heard another familiar voice, and my heart jumped into my throat. I turned, and sure enough it was Chris, and here I was, beet red, centimeters away from Quinn. Chris's facial expression turned from one of apprehensiveness, to a murderous one.

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