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Everything I need is standing in front of me. I know that we will be alright, alright yeah.
Today was the day of the big day. It has been three months since the proposal, and when Jungkook immediately became Jimin's coeditor, he had been planning non stop on their wedding. The day was today, and they couldn't help but feel nervous of everything, like something wasn't right.

"Jungkook, where are you? Everyone's coming already." Mr. Jeon said on the phone.

"I'll be over there dad. The car broke down and I have to pull a cab or something." Jungkook replied over the phone.

"I'll just send someone there to get you."

"No. I'll be fine"

"Hurry ok. The wedding's starting soon." Mr. Jeon ended the call after Jungkook said 'okay'.

The wedding was supposed to be held at the church where Jimin was familiar with ever since he was a child but was moved to the church led by Jungkook's family when they heard it was already occupied. They were all arms in accepting and supporting Jungkook through this phase, Jimin's parents were also there beside both of them with all the support they can give.

In the dressing room, Tae was bickering and panicking more than the groom himself and Jimin couldn't help but chuckle.

"Calm down, will ya? It's not your wedding, if anyone should be fidgeting here, it's me. Now sit down." Jimin ordered Tae who was still pacing the room back and forth.

"No. It's just, Hobi said he'll be late. I just have this bad feeling that---"

"Alright. I'm here. Your lives just got better." Taehyung was interrupted by Hoseok barging in the door.

Taehyung rushed to hug the elder and Hoseok was quick to respond.

"Omygod, you're here. Thank goodness. I was worried."

"Don't worry about me. Worry about Kookie, Mr. Jeon said his car broke down and he's still waiting for a cab or something like that." Jimin's eyes grew wide after hearing that.

"What? Well, can't somebody pick him up?" Jimin asked, panic now washing over him.

"No, it's okay. Jungkook said he's going to be fine." Hoseok reassured but Jimin was still not comfortable.

Then everything went crashing back to Jimin. All the negative thoughts were settling in.

What if he's doing this on purpose?

What if this is his way of cancelling the wedding?

What if he changed his mind?

Jimin was interrupted from drowning on his pool of thoughts when Mr. Jeon entered the room with two words that filled him with relief.

"He's here." Mr. Jeon said and quickly went out the door so that Jimin could prepared.

Jimin laughed at those thoughts. He could not believe himself that he still thought Jungkook would cancel on the last minute. It's been three months that there relationship was going really smoothly, without arguments or anything to bring back their past fights and Jimin could not help but feel stupid for ever thinking that again over Jungkook. With that thought, Jimin couldn't help but smile, for his stupidity and for the relief that poured over him.

 Tell Me You Love Me || JiKook [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now