Chapter 1- The Fall

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A/N: Is it really my fanfic if there's not a meme up top?
As Mable flipped through the pages of her summer scrapbook, I couldn't help but be suspicious...I've seen the memory gun at work before (I did use after all) so how has Gruncle Stan somehow been able to regain his memory? This couldn't be Bill's work because Bill wouldn't benefit from this so...whatever it is I shouldn't be taking a miracle for granted I guess, sighing quietly and slowly shaking my head I continued to watch as Gruncle Stan regained his memories; occasionally laughing as Mabel explained some of our adventures and mishaps. Good things happen to good people and we are good people. I think to myself smiling as Mabel over exaggerates the story of how he save Waddles from a pterodactyl.
"You might as well be telling a different story!" I say laughing.
"Not my fault I remember it better than you!" Mabel giggles poking her tounge out at me childishly. I pat her on the head and laugh.
"Sure you do Mabes."
As Mabel points to some more pictures one of them catches me off guard: one of her and Pacifica. It's a recent one since its near the end of the scrap book, but they look happy; they're laughing at Smebulark an arm round eachother.
"Mabel?" I ask hesitantly.
Mabel stops mid rant and turns to look at me curiously, Stan also pauses his attention now on me.
"Yeah Bro Bro?" She looks at me expectantly.
"When did you an Pacifica become so close?" I motion towards the picture of the two. Mabel, looking at the picture for the first time during this, blushes madly and slams the book shut.
"Well looks like that ends today's walk down memory lane thanks for coming bye!" Mabel pratically darts upstairs the slam of the bedroom door loud enough to scare away a few of the nesting birds. There's a few ticks of silence before Gruncle Stan and I burst into a fit of laughter.
"Ha she was redder than a tomato!" Gruncle Stan shouts in usual gravel-y voice.
"Maybe I could make her a new attraction in the shack- The colour changing girl!" He says in an overly dramatic fashion.
"Not much of a shack left." I say a bit sadly. It's true though, the shack took a pretty big hit half the roof is missing!
"Besides like I'd let you use my sister!" I shove him playfully and we both start laughing again.
"Talking about siblings where is my dear old twin I need to punch?" Stan exclaims.
"He went outside...he wasn't here for most if things Mabel told you about so he didn't want to intrude." I say akwardly.
"That old welp was always socially akward, just like you!" Stan smiles ruffling my hair fondly before getting up to go find Ford. I feel a swell of pride being compared to Ford he is, after all, the author if the journals and like kinda my hero.
~Timeskip! Different story same old laziness!~
By the time I'm done in the lab, washed and gotten ready for bed Mabel is fast asleep. After apologising for teasing her we spent the morning packing and hanging with some of the others before Ford asked me if I wanted to help him. I wasn't sure if Mabel would be ok with me going but to my surprise she just nodded and ran off with the others smiling. For the rest of the day Gruncle Ford and I started dismantling the portal and blowing up a lot of things. It was awesome but... I think we might of blown up something important between it all. It's weird; normally she's up for hours so seeing completely zoinked out is new though I suppose seeing someone with the amount of energy as Mabel has - Which is rare within itself - peaceful and still is almost terrifying. Almost. With tired eyes and my brain a hazy mess I haul myself into bed and let sleep claim me once more.

My eyes snap open wide and I sit up with an impressive speed. There's grass and trees surrounding me for miles and I find myself in the depths of a forest of sorts.
"Whoa cool lucid dreaming." Amazed that I can do it let the fact that I'm currently doing it.
"It feels so real!" I exclaim. I can feel the grass and the breeze and I can hear the birds and the wind, smell the earth; you know that smell the woods have when it's just rained; and I can see it grey.
"It must be a cognitive response, my brain must be basing the sounds, smells and textures off memory and expectation. The subconscious must be taken in more details than I thought I could although I thought my brain would've been advanced enough to dream in colour...but oh well I suppose lucid dreaming would take up a high capacity of brain usage so maybe it's just compensating." I ramble on thoughtfully.
Upon further inspection it was clear that there was stone path leading down deeper into the brush. "Well there doesn't seem to be any other choice." I sigh nonchalantly. I start to make my way down the stone path the trees start thin out and at the end of the path turns out to also be the end of an island....that's floating. Well I'm assuming it's a floating island since I am surrounded by other floating islands each with a different scenery.
"What the-" I take a sharp inhale. What the hell has my subconscious created?!
I take a step closer to the edge. While it's ridiculously weird and freaky (and oh boy trust me it is) it's also really pretty. Beautiful even. It's nice and peaceful and-
"Hiya Pine Tree!"
I jump back, turning around only to realise that I've jumped off the edge. As I fall through clouds and grey skies I notice a yellow glow from where I was once. I hear screaming as I fall it takes me a while to realise that it's me that's screaming and by the time I do I'm awake eyes wide open sitting up in the attic of the now roofless shack. Screaming.

A/N: I'M BAAAAAACK~~~ Welcome back readers. How great too see you again and hi if you're new. Did you like it? I know I changed a lot in the first chapter. I only kept the first few lines the same (even though some of those changed too) hope you'll like this what if. See ya next time!


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