I will carry hell to your doorstep pt.1

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A/N: Hey guys so first off oooo ominous title second off I got the idea from Lumina Xandra Hell to your doorstep animatic you should really check it out I love this song and visuals! (Also just a warning Part 1&2 has less to do with the "carry[ing] hell to your doorstep" and more of "carrying" Dipper home and reconciling with Bill and Tad which is somewhat anitclimatic but like technically Bill and Tad is inside dipper so technically it counts?)

General POV (remember it's always Dipper's POV unless stated otherwise)
Ford dove in a desperate search for his great nephew. The waters were merky and dark, the pounding force of the falls still felt even this far under. The dark depths were a mysterious things and on any other day Ford would be fascinated and enraptured by them but at this moment Ford swam in blind panic trying to find his nephew. Where is he? I have to find him! Ford thought as he swam deeper. He could feel his chest starting to burn Just a little longer he pleaded praying to whatever or whoever was out there that they spare him just a few more seconds. I can't find him...I can't find him! Where is he! Ford's chest was screaming and there was still no sign of Dipper, he was about to give in and and swim to the surface when he saw him! His body small and frail and so lifeless but he was there and that's all that mattered! Ford thanked whatever God he gave me such mercy and spurred onwards final getting a hold on Dipper and swam for the surface like his life depend on it. Only it wasn't his he cared about.

Meanwhile Stan stood there unsure what to do he trusted his twin but he'd been down there quite a while and if he was honest with himself (which he hardly ever was) he was terrified. He was terrified of losing his nephew, terrified of losing his twin, terrified of what the writing in blue fire ment but more prominently he was terrified of not being able to do anything. He wasn't the one down there risking his neck for his nephew he was just standing here like nob pacing and stewing and doing nothing. Stan was broken out of his thoughts by a loud gasp and turned to find Ford breaking the surface with their nephew in wrapped under his arms.
"Stanley!" Ford cried. Stand scrabbled forward in order to get Dipper who Ford was giving to Stan. Stand grabbed Dipper quickly and set him in the floor. Putting an ear to mouth then his heart Stan tried to find any sign if breathing and a heartbeat. He found none.
"Shit shit shit!" Stan exclaimed but he refused to give up! He pounds on his nephew's chest starting the chest compressions reaching 30 before attempting to breathe life into him the repeating. In those moments everything went away the sounds of the forest, Ford's tired but worried panting, the fact he was crying all faded into oblivion, all that mattered was that he got to Dipper to breathe because goddammit he would get that boy to breathe if it was the last thing he did! He pushed harder, breathed deeper, he kept trying and trying until
"...gasp." He breathed! Dipper breathed!
"Oh thank God! Ford he's breathing!" Stan exclaimed joyously.
"Thank the heavens!" Ford sighed, relieved.

Dipper's POV
Its so dark. I feel weightless as float in it. There voices in the darkness but I don't care for them. I just want to sleep to hide in the darkness. Bill is always in the darkness, he's always there at night maybe I'll see him soon. Maybe. Hopefully not. That smug demon is always a pain in the ass. That didn't stop you from missing him. I ignore the thought and close my eyes again. The voices seem more urgent now and they're disrupting the darkness. It's probably Mabel. She'll probably go away soon. I just want to sleep. If you sleep you enter the mindscape Another voice (It's mine but it's also not) reminds me. Maybe that's what I want. I reply. Why? It asks in ernest. Because...Bill and Tad are there and maybe they're not as bad as they seem. The other voice scoffs you deny him always yet you constantly want to see him how contridicting. Yes how contridicting indeed. I reply. It's silent after that it seems a pressure is being forced upon the darkness it's forcing it away. I'm no longer floating I'm falling my eyes are open and there is a light that that's so close. Suddenly in a split second it all comes back. The argument, the woods, Tad, the mindscape, Bill...
"B-Bill." My voice croaks a desperate plea for what I'm not sure but it's the only thing I can say before the white light engulfs me.
General POV  (Damn there's a lot of these this chapter xD)
Stan and Ford cry tears of joy and relief as their nephew's chests rises and falls and he takes in shaky breathes. Dipper's breathing was shallow at best but he was breathing and that was a miracle in itself.
"Stanley he's waking up!" Ford exclaims. The two men crowd over the point in bated breath as the boy's eyelids flutter before the boy shoots up, awake, hacking and coughing dispelling all the water trapped within his lungs.
"Dipper, Dipper my boy are you okay?" Ford asked hopefully. Dipper's eyes were glazed over and unfocused as he rolled back onto his back and stared up at the sky heaving.
"Dipper? Kiddo?" Stan asked hesitantly. Dipper's eyes remained that way as he spoke.
"B-Bill..." Dipper whispered before passing out again. The two men looked at eachother worriedly.
"Why would he be saying that demons name?" Ford muttered.
"The blue flames where Bill's and he did warn us...maybe he was something to do with this." Stanley looked at his twin expectantly.
"Maybe...but whatever his involvement it can't be good we have to find him and put an end to this once and for all." Stanford declared Stanley nodding in agreement.
"But first we gotta get the kid home and well again." Stan says picking up the young boy. Ford hums an affirmative and follows his brother back up to the car as the two physically and emotionally  exhausted men start their drive home.

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