Chapter Five - Lazy Day

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It has been so long since I have updated because I have been really busy with my exams but now I have finished and have plenty of time on my hands since it is the summer holidays so be expecting a lot more updating! Also I know this is very short but I didn't really know what to write but I hope you enjoy reading it:)


Chapter Five 

"Jen wake up, it's one in the afternoon. Honestly you are so lazy at times!" I faintly heard Ro's voice as I felt his hand shaking me to wake me up. After a few seconds I had finally come around enough to open my eyes and get out of bed. Once I opened my blinds and made my bed I walked into the kitchen to get some 'breakfast' even though it was 1pm. I got some bread out of the bread bin and put it in the toaster.

"Good afternoon sleepy head." I heard Tyler's voice walk into the kitchen. He seemed in too much of a good mood today.

"Hey." I answered back and smiled at him. He was still in his pyjamas too so I guessed he was having a lazy day like me too.

"Lazy day for you too?" I asked just to make sure.

"Yep, I'm only recording a few videos today so why not be comfortable too." He said just as my toast popped out of the toaster.  I took the toast out and opened up the butter. Once I buttered and cut the toast in half I put them on a plate  and joined Tyler on the table who was sat with a glass of orange juice.

"Give me some of your toast will you? I'm starving." he asked once I took a few bites out of the first piece of toast. I shook my head and laughed slightly. Typical Tyler asking after I've made the toast.

"I tell you what, I'll give you a piece of toast if you pour me a glass of that orange juice you have." I offered just before I took another couple of bites of toast.

"You make a good deal Hunter." He said as he got up to pour me a glass of orange juice. I put the plate with the toast on the table near where he was sat before as took the last couple of bites of my toast. After a minute or so he sat back down and handed me the glass before grabbing his toast.

"Good doing business with you." He said before biting into the toast. I quickly drank the orange juice and left Tyler to eat his toast in peace.

As I left the kitchen I was greeted with Ro holding a camera pointing at me. He always felt the need to do vlogs when I looked my worst.

"And here is a wild Jennifer looking rather attractive in an oversized t-shirt and a bed head." He laughed looking quite proud at what he said.

"You know I'm having a lazy day! Stop recording me Ronan you know I don't like it!" I covered my face while trying to walk towards my bedroom.

"Oh c'mon Jen, the fans want to see the real you!" He continued to laugh at how embarrassed I was.

"You know I really do hate you sometimes." I said as I reached my bedroom and shut the door in his face. If he doesn't cut that bit out I will honestly kill him.

I sat on top of my bed and turned on my laptop. Ever since Tyler had come to visit it had been so busy and this is the first time in ages I was able to go onto my laptop. After a while of checking emails and looking through tumblr and other sites I decided to look at Tyler's tweets for something to do.

'Didn't have to make breakfast today. The best part of being a guest at somebody's house.' He tweeted this around the time I walked out of the kitchen. I laughed as I typed a reply.

'The only reason you got that toast is because you got me that orange juice. That was the deal and it's a one off:)' I typed in reply and hit send. After that I then switched off my laptop and went over to the mirror to sort my bed head out.  If Ro was vlogging today I didn't want my bed head to be on it. I brushed out the knots and tied it up in a high ponytail. After checking to see if I was happy enough with how it looked I put the brush away and went into the living room. Tyler and Ro were currently on Mario kart on the Nintendo Wii and from what I could see Tyler was winning since Ro was getting really annoyed.

"Why do I keep getting hit by green shells!? For god sakes Toad dodge them!" Ro shouted angrily at the tv just as Tyler crossed the finish line in first place.

"Ha! I beat you again. I told you I was amazing at this." Tyler celebrated by doing a little dance in front of the tv so Ro couldn't finish.

"Move Tyler! Ergh, everybody is overtaking me now you muppet." Once Ro eventually finished he threw the remote down onto the couch in annoyance. "I quit!" He said angrily before storming off. Laughing, I sat down in his place and took the remote.

"I'll have you a game, I'm the pro in my family."He sat back down and grabbed his remote again.

"Oh it's on Hunter." He smirked at me.


"C'mon Yoshi you can do it!" I screamed at the tv as I was only a couple of metres behind Tyler. I ran into a question block and was waiting for the box to stop spinning.

"Hope you enjoy this red shell!" I said as I hit the button and sent a red shell towards Tyler. His car tipped over and I managed to overtake him just as I crossed the finish line in 1st place.

"I win!" I jumped up in excitement as mimicked Tyler's celebration dance.

"You cheated." He stated as he sat down in a bad mood.

"You are such a sore loser Tyler." I laughed as I jumped on him to try and get him to stop sulking.

"No I am not." He said trying not laugh. "Jen get off me for god sakes."

"Not until you admit I am the best." I stayed sat on him.

"I will just push you off me. I am much stronger." He said as he started to smile again..

"Admit I am the best and I will get-." I didn't even have time to finish my sentence before I was flung off the couch and landed straight onto the floor on my back.

"Ow!" I said in shock as it happened too fast. Tyler suddenly realising it hurt got off his feet and knelt over me to see if I was okay.

"Oh my god Jen I am so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you are you okay?" I could tell by his voice he seemed worried but all I could do was laugh.

"Yes I'm fine you muppet." I said through the laughter. "It just happened quickly."

"Are you sure?" He said with a slightly more relaxed look on his face.

"Yes I am sure." I stopped laughing once I realised how close his face was to mine.

We were that close I could feel his warm breath against my face. We were both quiet now and I felt like I couldn't move again but the strange thing was I didn't want to move. We both had our eyes locked on each other and I could feel my face become warmer the more he looked at me.  I felt his hand move my hair away from my eyes and he leaned in closer so that our foreheads and noses were touching.

Why did I always get like this when we was close. My stomach was filled with butterflies and I was that warm it didn't feel like the middle of winter. I didn't have a clue what was happening but all I knew was that I didn't want him to move away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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