Chapter One - You?

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Note: Since I needed a way to start off this story Tyler only enters the story near to the end.

Chapter One

The cold air hit my face and blew my hair backwards as I stuck my head out of the car window. My car was out getting repaired and my brother offered to drive me to work. Wrong idea. I should have definitely chosen to walk instead I mean it's only a couple of blocks but me being me is too lazy to do that. Although it was the middle of winter and snowing outside, I couldn't stand the smell of my brothers car. I don't even know what causes the smell, but I do know that if I smell it for longer than five minutes I will most likely suffocate.

"Jen will you close the god damn window? It's the middle of winter are you mad it's freezing." His eyes were still locked on the road.

"Do you really want me to suffocate?"

"If that mean I don't freeze to death then yes. Stop complaining it doesn't even smell." I glared at him as I brought my head back into the car. If he thought I was going to close the window, he was utterly wrong.

"You're mean to me Ronan."

"You love me really Jennifer." The only time he calls me 'Jennifer' is when I call him 'Ronan'. See when growing up me and Ronan always called each other 'Jen' and 'Ro' and I guess it just turned into a habit. We only really call each other by our full names to wind each other up or if something is serious.

"So..." I started to say to change the topic. "Where are you filming today?" My brother is a professional youtuber. He also makes short films but he is well known for his gaming videos on minecraft.

"Just at mine today. I'm starting a series with somebody new and I think you will be happy when you come around after your shift."

"Oh my god who is it?"

"You're just going to have to wait aren't you?" He smirked knowing that it would annoy me all day now. He knew how many youtubers  I watched and liked.

"You're evil you know that?"

"Yeah I have a devil tail and everything." I rolled my eyes at his comment as he pulled up outside the small joke shop. "You have arrived at your destination." He mimicked a voice of a robot and smirked even more.

"Ro, you are not funny. Now remember you don't need to pick me up I'm getting a lift home off of Cleo." I picked up my bag and stepped out of the car. I didn't bother to wave him off since it was too cold.

When I opened the door to the joke shop the usual bell chimed throughout the store. This was the one place that made me happy.

"Hello?" I heard a familiar voice shout from in the back.

"Joe it's only me. I wanted to come in a bit earlier today so I can get all the decorations up." I shouted back.

Joe was in his 70's and was like part of my family. I love working in his company as he always manages to make whoever he is with smile. His joke shop has seen better days but it was still special as you don't see many joke shops around anymore.

"Okay I'll be out in a minute!" he replied with.

"Take as long as you need!" I shouted back as I put my bag behind the counter.

I put on my work tag and grabbed the keys to the storage room. This is where all the stock, cleaning supplies and basically anything that we would need would be. Let's just say, it's not exactly the ideal space for so much stuff but Joe made it all fit. I worked my way through the maze of items to the box labelled 'Christmas'. Once I had grabbed it I made my way back to the front to see Joe organising some of the products on the shelves.

"I can help you with the decorations." he said once he noticed my presence in the room.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself silly. You and a ladder won't end well. Anyways, you make the best cups of tea and I couldn't survive with them." I got the lights and the blue tack out of the box and climbed the ladder as Joe continued to tidy the shelves.

After a long day of hanging up decorations and Joe serving parents who are buying presents my shift had finally ended.

"Finished!" I sighed in relief as I hung the last decoration up.

"Jen this honestly looks beautiful thank you" He smiled at me before taking a sip of his tea.

"It's fine Joe honestly, I just thought this place needed a bit of Christmas spirit." I hugged him goodbye before walking outside. It was only 6pm but it was already turning dark out so I was glad when I was Cleo's car across the street. Cleo has been my best friend since I could remember. She's the only friend who has stayed in my life. I rushed over and sat inside her car.

"Hey Jen." She smiled as I shut the door and rubbed my hands together to warm up.

"Hi thanks for giving me a lift." I put on my seatbelt as she started the engine up.

"It's fine and anyway I want to get you home quickly since I know who Ronan is collaborating with today."

"They can't be that special if nobody will tell me who it is."

"Trust me, they are." There was no point in trying to get her to tell me. She is too good at keeping secrets which I guess is a good thing really.

After around ten minutes she pulled up outside my house. I said goodbye and she told me to text her later on. I grabbed my keys and looked for the key to my brother's house. It was quiet considering Ro was supposed to be filming. Normally it's like a party is going on. Once I found the key I unlocked the door and walked into the dark living room. All the lights were off and the tv was the only thing making the room lighter.

"Ro? Where are you?" I shouted so he could hear me anywhere in the house. That's when I heard steps coming from the kitchen. The figure came out from the kitchen and my face dropped. I was stood frozen in shock. I found it impossible to move my legs and I just stood in shock staring at him. My mouth suddenly  felt dry and I couldn't get any words to come out.

It had been nine years since I last saw him. The guy with the glasses and the brown hair that was styled exactly the same. The guy who used to be my best friend. The guy who moved away when we were eight years old. The guy who I found on youtube again and tried to make contact with. The guy who never saw my messages because he was very popular in the youtube community. The guy who I missed everyday and the guy who I spent hours crying at night because I needed him back in my life.

"You?" I managed to croak out after what seem like forever. I felt my eyes start to fill up with tears as I just stared at him.

"Hey Jen." He said shyly as he scratched the back of his head.

"What..-How did you get here Tyler?" I was still shocked. He was actually here

"I found Ronan on youtube and instantly knew who he was. I managed to contact him and he explained how hard you tried to contact me again. I never saw the messages though Jen, I'm so sorry. My god Jen how much I have missed you. Your brother invited me over for a few months to catch up and told me to keep it a secret..." He continued to try to explain what was going on but as I regained control of my legs I ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

"I have missed you too." I snuggled my face into his shoulders as I let the tears fall. I had missed him way too much.

I had my best friend back.

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