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I was woken up by the frantic whispering of my mother. "Chloe,Chloe , you have to wake up NOW" ."what? what's wrong?" I whispered back. My mother gripped me tightly and what she said next chilled me to the bone," They're here for you Chloe, you have to leave the house now, you can't stay here. You won't be safe. Do you remember the plan?" I nodded, tears streaming down my face as I finally realised that our worst fear had reached us. "Mom please, I cant leave you!I need you!" My mother held me tightly to her as my tears flowed down freely. I wasn't ready to run,not yet, I wasn't old enough.

My belongings were already packed, a few set of clothes, water and granola bars as well as a first aid kit. You can't take a lot of your belongings when you're on the run can you? This wasn't new to me, my best friend Liam and I had been preparing for this day to come. I looked out my window, there were cars parked in our driveway. They were coming soon. My dad entered the room and he crushed me with his hug, His eyes were overflowing with tears as he kissed my forehead. " Remember princess, we will always love you, and we'll see you again soon." Both of my parents gave me one last hug and ushered me out the door. There was a knock on the door and I quickened my steps. I opened my backdoor and looked at the house one last time through my clouded vision. "Goodbye", I whispered. I turned my back and ran into the woods.

I ran until I reached our treehouse where I would meet Liam. I scrambled up the ladder and placed my bag on the floor and laid down on the cushions. I cried my eyes out , hugging myself. Liam soon arrived with his bag. His eyes were puffy and red and he had obviously been crying also. I rushed to him and hugged him, sadness engulfing our hearts. " We need to leave soon, Liam, they're bound to check the woods soon and we can't get caught. Not after what our parents sacrificed for us", I said. He nodded numbly and we made our way down and escaped into the dawn of a new day.

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