Sweet Revenge

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I eventually found the bathroom, and set to work trying to find some of Itachi's hair products. Soon I found his shampoo, and I hid it in my cloak. For the next part of my revenge I needed to get something that was outside of the cave. Unfortunately Itachi was "in charge" of me, so I couldn't go anywhere without him until this Leader said I could.

"You're going to need some help for this, Akako." I said to myself, leaving the bathroom and going back up to the living room.

I found Hidan on the couch again, so I walked over to him. Itachi was still nowhere to be seen, but I needed t to make this quick. I sat down next to Hidan and looked at him intensely, until he glanced at me. "What?"

"Would you do me a favor?" I asked, leaning closer to him.

"What kind of favor?" He questioned.

"I need you to go out and buy me something." I said.

"Interesting. I'm listening. But will this something be of any use to me?" Hidan asked, still staring at me.

"Well I guess if you want different color hair." I shrugged.

"What?" I questioned, leaning back away from me.

"Oh stop asking questions. Will you help me or not?" I groaned, standing up.

"This seems important to you." Hidan mused. "Sucks being on a leash, doesn't it?"

"Please." I begged.

"What will I get out of it?" Hidan asked, standing up, so he could look down at me.

"You'll probably laugh harder than you ever have in your life." I answered, pushing myself up to my full height.

"Hmm. It's tempting." He tapped his chin.

"Will you help me, or not?" I snapped.

"Not if you're going to be like that." He teased, smirking at me.

"Fine I'll go ask Deidara." I sighed, turning away from Hindan.

I felt Hidan's hand grab my arm, and he spun me around. Boys were to easy. "I'll go get this for you, but I might want more in return."

"Fine." I agreed. Then I leaned in closer to tell him what exactly to pick out.

Itachi's POV


Kisame was in our shared room when I walked in. "How did things with your sister go?"

"She's the same child she was before." I sighed, sitting down on my bed.

"Yeah, but Akako seems interesting. I'm sure she has seen things that would make anyone else mentally scarred. So I'm curious to how she is still a child on the inside." Kismae pondered. "She also doesn't seem that strong, so do you think that she is afraid to be here?"

"No. Akako isn't afraid. I'm not sure anything scares her. And you're wrong." I said in my usual monotone.

"Wrong about what?" Kismae asked.

"Akako is strong, and always has been." I explained. "She became an ANBU black op even before me."

"Really?" Kisame drawled.

"Go ask her about it if you want to know more." I waved him off.

"I'll go do that." Kismae took up my offer, and left. Good I wanted to be alone. Akako gave me her diary, and if I was correct it had everything she went through in it. I wanted to know everything she went through on her mission.

I want to know if it was worth having my sister go out on a mission. I sighed and turned a few pages in the book and began to read

Dear Ai,

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