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The wedding march echoed through the church as she made her way down the aisle. His brother giving her away. She looked incredibly beautiful.

He took her hands in his when she reached him. They stared into each other eyes. Ignoring the priest till he cleared his throat and telling him it is time for the vows.

"Ana, I love you so much that I can't breathe without you. You are my oxygen, my life, my soul, my whole world. When I met you, I thought you were of royalty because of your beauty, beautiful mind and soul and I knew that one day I will make you my wife even if I had to go to war for you. I call you my princess but you are much more than that. You are my Angel. I promise to love you faithfully through sickness and in health. I promise to love and hold you, to protect you, to care for you and to cherish you. You are my anchor and I fall in love with you more every time I look at you. I am absolutely crazy in love with you."

Nathan said as he gazed into Ana's eye's with so much love and passion, while sliding on her wedding ring.

Ana smiled at him with unshed tears of joy and happiness in her eyes.

"Nathan, Nate. There aren't enough words in the world to describe my love for you but I will spend a lifetime showing you. You are my everything, you were my light in the darkness and now you are my life. When I met you, I was terrified of my feelings for you. I didn't even know you, yet but I was in love with you. You took my breath away with your intense beautiful silver blue eye's stare. You call me Princess but it is actually you, who the king is, of my heart. You own my whole heart, mind, body and soul. I promise to love you faithfully through sickness and in health. I promise to be there in your time of need to be your rock and strength. To carry you when you can't walk anymore. I will love you till death do us part and if you live to be a hundred will I live to be a hundred and one second because I don't want to live a second without you. I am completely and utterly in love with you."

Ana said as she smiled up at Nate, with love and adoration in her eyes as she placed the wedding ring on his finger.

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Davison. You may now kiss your bride." The priest said.

Nate took Ana's face in his hands. "You are finally mine now and forever." He said before claiming her lips.

Their family and friends cheered but they didn't hear a thing. Nate took his bride in his arms and walked out of the church while they continued kissing.

He placed his wife in the car and the shofar drove to the airport. Once they landed another car took then to their villa.

Picking up his bride he stepped over the threshold and carried her straight to the bedroom. He kissed her with so much need, passion, love and lust that it was only a moment then their clothing were scattered on the floor.

He slowly laid her down on the bed. He teasingly took his time and kissed every path of her beautiful body. Her hand was fisting his hair in need for more. He placed a long-wet kiss at her core before entering her with one hard thrust.

They only left their bedroom to eat or go to the bathroom. They continued making love everywhere in the villa.

They flew back home after the honeymoon. Ana was exhausted so Nate carried her to bed. He kissed her lips before going to the kitchen. He was just about to make something to eat when the doorbell rang.

It was his sister in law. He could see that she has been crying. "Micaela, what is wrong? What happened? Did something happen to Dante?" "Nothing. He is fine can I come in?" She asked in a monotone.

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