Chapter 1

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It has been two years since that night.

Nate woke up to loud knocking on a door. He ignored it but the knocking continued so he carefully and gently picked up Nakita's head and placed it on a pillow before picking up his shirt and going downstairs. "I am coming. "For fuck's sake you will wake everyone in the house."

He said before he opened the door. "Morning, care to tell me why you almost knocked my door of its hinges." He said sarcastically at the man in front of him.

"Good morning mister Davison. I am detective Storm. I am here about miss Abrahams." It has been a while since he heard that name. "What about Ana."

"It would be best if we down at the station." The detective spoke calmly. "Why?" Nate asked confused. "Like I said it is best if we talk at the station. Is there anybody else here?" The detective answered ignoring his question.

"Just my girlfriend Nakita. Let me just tell her I am going out and then I will follow you to the station. Okay?" "Yes, but if you fuck with me I will arrest you for obstruction of justice." Detective Storm warned before walking to his car.

Nate ran upstairs and got dressed into a dark denim and white t-shirt. He bent over and gave Nakita a kiss. She opened her eyes slowly. "Why are you up? Come back to bed." She mumbled softly.

"I can't baby. I have to go out quickly, I'll be back later." He said before he kissed her lips and went to the garage and got into his Audi R8 Sport model. He followed Detective Storm to the police station.

Detective Storm let Nate to the interrogation room. "Sit down." "What is this all about?" "I'll tell you in a moment but first I need a DNA sample from you." "Fine. I got nothing to hid." Detective Storm took a cotton swab and swapped the inside of Nate's mouth. "Thank you." He gave the swab to a woman next to him. She took it away.

"I gave you my DNA now tell me why I am here and what does this have to do with Ana?" Nate asked frustrated. "When was the last time you saw Ana, miss Abrahams?" "Two years ago, when we got the divorce." "Ah the night you latterly threw her out of your house. Let me ask you this where were you between the hours of nine p.m. and one a.m. last night?"

Detective Storm asked sitting down in front of Nate. "I was on a date with my girlfriend Nakita. I can give you the restaurant number if you want to check my alibi."

There was a knock on the door and a man gave detective Storm a piece of paper. He smiled at Nate. "Let's cut to the chase, shall we? Last night about quarter past nine there was car accident but an eye witness told us exactly what happened and it looks like attempted murder."

"What has this got to do with me or Ana? Wait you don't think I am hiding that bitch, are you?" Nate asked upset.

"Mr. Davison please keep that big mouth of yours close or so help me I will arrest you for insulating a police officer. No, I don't think you are hiding That Bitch as you put it because it was Ana who was in the accident and I think you ordered the hit on Ana for revenge."

Detective Storm spat. Nate stood up. "What the hell are you talking about?" "Sit your fucking ass down and I will show you." Nate sat down as detective Storm played a video. It was the dash cam in Ana's car.

She was driving along the road when there was suddenly a truck in front of her lain. She immediately tried to switch lain when another truck hit her from the side. Her car spans out of control and tolled. It landed on its wheels again only to be hit again by the truck that was in her lain.

"Why the hell would I do that to her? Yes, I hate her but I don't want to kill her. Where is she now? Is she alright?" Nate asked upset about what he saw. "No, she isn't. She is at the hospital in ICU and why you ask? Maybe because you found out that she hid your child from you."

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