Chapter 3

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Nate and Micaela spoke outside Ana's hospital room. "How is she? Why hasn't she woken up jet? It has been three god dam years." "I don't know Nate. Her body will decide when it will wake up. She is still the same since last week. There is no change."

Both of them turned and looked how Emily talked and played with Ana's hair. "How is Emily?" "She is a little princess. I never have to scold or yell at her but she has been slowly acting out. She doesn't understand why all her friends have mommies and hers is asleep all the time."

"What do you tell her? It must be hard." Nate let out a sigh. "It is and I am trying but it is hard. She needs her mother. I tell her that mommy was hurt badly and has to sleep to get better."

Micaela smiled at him. "You know you have changed so much in the past three years. You are so mature and grown up plus I never thought I would hear you use the word mommy in a sentence."

"Tease all you want." Nate said before entering the room. "Come on princess. I promised someone a certain birthday lunch at her favourite place." "Okay daddy. Bye mommy." She said giving Ana a kiss on her head. "Go say bye to your aunt while I talk to mommy okay?" She nodded her head before leaving.

"She looks more and more like you by the day. Today is our princess's fifth birthday. I miss you. We miss you. Please wake up we need you." He placed a kiss on her head. "Come back to me angel." He said softly in her ear before leaving.

Nate took Emily to her favoured restaurant. "Princess why didn't you want a birthday party this year?" "Because mommy isn't with us. She is still sleeping."

"Princess, we don't know when mommy will wake up." "I know. Can I ask you something daddy?" "You can ask me anything except if you want a boyfriend then the answer is no."

She laughed at her father's silliness. "No, daddy. You call me princess does that make mommy a queen?" Nate looked intendedly at his daughter. She is smart for her age. "Yes, mommy is the queen of my heart and I was the king of hers."

The waiter brought them two strawberry milkshakes and two vanilla cupcakes. Nate placed a candle in Emily's before lighting it. "Happy birthday princess. I love you and don't grow up to fast. Make a wish, Princess." "I love you too, daddy." Emily replied before blowing out the candle and making a wish.

"Come on princess it is now just past one p.m. and I have another surprise for you at two so finish up." Nate took Emily to the Aquarium. "Look daddy it is Nemo and there is Dory." She said pointing to the fish. "Yes, princess do you want a picture with them?" "Yes, daddy." Nate took pictures of him and Emily at the Aquarium. They spent the whole afternoon there.

"What do you want for dinner, princess? Pizza, burgers, chips, hotdogs...?" Just then Nate's phone rang. "Princess, don't move from that binge. I have to answer." She nodded and went to sit on the binge while Nate answered the phone.

"Nate." "Goodness Nathan, I have left you hundreds of messages." "What is wrong did something happen to Dante or the children, are you okay?" He asked worried. "We are all fine but something did happen. Ana is awake."

The world stopped spinning for Nate. "What? When? Can we come and see her?" "This afternoon but you can't come and see her." "Why not? Is it because of me? Is she refusing to see me?" "No, I am sorry but it is because she has amnesia. Just remembers up to her parents kicking her out nothing further. She has no memories of us."

After the call did Nate got pizza for Emily and him. After Nate put Emily to bed did he pull the photo album of Ana and him out. He looked at each of them but he couldn't get himself to watch their wedding video. He couldn't sleep. It was past midnight when he came up with a plan on how to get Ana back and her memories.

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