Chapter 1

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'Was it that first kiss of ours in the rain that made me fall in love with this woman, or were her eyes that I fell for immediately? Maybe her smile melted me, or was it her sweet voice?' -thought Bryan while looking at his wife, Brie, taking care of their daughter, Birdie.
                                                                     He walked into the room with the biggest smile and happiness. He hasn't seen her in about a week so he couldn't wait to hold her in his arms while looking at their beautiful baby! Brie quickly, but carefully put Birdie down and jumped into his arms giving him the biggest smooch and longest hug ever. Both of them were just looking at each other while smiling.

'I've missed you like crazy!' said Brie with the sweetest and innocent voice.

'You've missed me? Do you have any idea how a minute feels without you nor a week!' replied Bryan as if he choked up on his words.

'Awww! I love you my all, to infinity!' said Brie while her eyes were shining.

'I love you 100 times more than infinity!' said Bryan giving Brie a big kiss on the forehead then continued talking. 'I have very exciting news!'

'Are you preggers?' said Brie with sarcasm.

Bryan burst out of laughter and said 'No! WWE called me and you know how I've wanted them to re-look at my case...'

'Oh my god! Bryan!' reacted Brie in shock.

'Brianna I'm cleared!' said Bryan while Brie was just standing there in shock.

'Oh my god Bryan, I told you! I'm the happiest person alive right now oh my god! Hun I'm happier than you! Aaa I can't wait to see you in the ring again my looooove!' said Brie in full excitement hugging and squeezing him.

Brie has been such a big influence on Bryan since he retired in 2016 and hasn't had a match since 2015, even since he got injured in 2014. Bryan has felt like the luckiest man alive not just when he started dating her, but all of her support and words didn't let Bryan give up on his dream to be a wrestler. Just to think about what they've been through as a couple, it'll make you burst into tears, just like it did to Bryan when he thought of Brie's support.

'WWE will announce the news tomorrow before SmackDown! I wish you could come!' said Bryan sadly.

'Sweetface, me too! But you know I'll be watching from home with little BirdBird! I'm so proud of you!' said Brie with the biggest smile on her face.

They went to bed after checking on Birdie. They cuddled all night till they fell asleep in each other's arms.

It was Tuesday morning. Bryan and Brie woke up next to each other. They shared a moment together before Bryan leaving. Lucky Birdie didn't wake them up during the night, but she sure did after Bryan and Brie woke up. Both of the lovely parents went to Birdie's room.

'Good morning my Bird!' said Bryan picking her up and kissing the cutie.

'Aww my two babies!' said Brie joining the hug. Josie and Winston, the two little frenchies walked in. It was a family picture perfect.

A couple of hours later, Bryan had to leave.

'My all, I wanna come with you!' said Brie with a sad expression.

'I wish that too! It would be amazing to have you there!' said Bryan with a baby face. They shared what felt like a century kiss together, to be more clear, make out session as they said their goodbyes.

The internet was blowing up when WWE announced about Bryan being cleared. Fans were already predicting future matches for him. Brie shared a thought to instagram for her husband:

"From the moment they told him No, he was on a mission to turn that no into a YES. I can't wait for you all to hear his journey to this moment...his dedication, his mission and his passion. My daughter is lucky to have a Daddy who never gives up and who's truly an amazing role model. I love you @bryanldanielson so happy that you're back at the place you love, your home away from home...the squared circle. #YesYesYes #WWE #Wrestling #AmericanDragon"

So it was time for SmackDown and fans are just hyped up to see Bryan a.k.a at this point Daniel Bryan.

He gave such an amazing speech. The times when he talked about Brie, ugh so precious!

Quick: There's a video I added here where you can watch his speech. If it doesn't show it then make sure to go to youtube and watch the video of his speech from ESPN. Also another one about when he was attacked posted by WWE.

Moments later he called out Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, telling them they're fires, but boy did they attack. Ya, know he's cleared and ummm.... oh well he is DANIEL fcking BRYAN so he might as well attack them back ya know?

Brie was so proud of her husband!

She FaceTimed him!

'Sweetface! I'm so proud of you! But first, are you okay?' -asked Brie a little worried.

'Yes my all, I'm fine! Just like any other bump I've taken when I used to wrestle!' -said Bryan with a smile.

'I loved your speech! Bryan... I almost cried when you mentioned me! -said Brie.

'It would mean nothing if I didn't mention you! You were the one to encourage me! You don't know how much that means!' -said Bryan with the biggest smile.

'Awww! I love you!' replied Brianna.

'I love you! I wish you were here so that I could just kiss you or hug you or hold you! Anything just so that I can feel you near me!' -said Bryan.

'My love, I need to go! Birdie woke up! Bye! Love you!' -said Brie before ending the call.

'Bye! Love you more!' -said Bryan ending the call.'



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