Deja Vu

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As the bell loudly rang, the door of the classroom opened and our teacher casually entered.

My eyes immediately grew larger at the sight of an extremely familiar-looking guy following behind the teacher.

Are you kidding me?

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Are you kidding me?

First Jungkook, then him?

Why does this keep happening to me?

Our raucous class instantly became silent at the sight of him, hurriedly scattering back to their designated seats.

"Alright everyone, he's a new student who'll be joining our class." The teacher announced.

Of course.

Clearing his throat, the guy fixed his posture and prepared to introduce himself to the class.

"I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you all." He casually announced, causing the girls to squeal in utter fondness of Taehyung and his admirable appearance.

"Psh, he's not even that handsome." I suddenly heard Jungkook grumpily mumble under his breathe with his arms crossed in irritation.

"Don't have to be jealous just because he's cuter than you." I said, causing him to let out a small scoff.

"Me? Jealous? Of that?" He questioned in disbelief.

"Or what, are you scared he's going to steal all your obsessive fangirls away from you?" I mockingly asked, raising an eyebrow with a taunting smirk forming on my face.

"It's not like you have any boys drooling over you so shut your mouth gorilla-face." Jungkook snapped, playfully sticking his tongue out at me.

"I don't need any you coconut headass." I shot back, also sticking my tongue out back at him.

"Alright Taehyung, please situate yourself next to the boy with the blonde hair." The teacher instructed as he referred to Jimin.

Wait, Jimin sits right in front of Jungkook, Jungkook sits next to me, and there's an open seat right next to Jimin.

Coming upon the realization, I mentally face-palmed myself.

Great, just great.

Why am I having a deja vu?

This situation is exactly like what happened when Jungkook transferred.

As Taehyung gradually approached his seat, his eyes grew larger as soon as they met mine, obviously taken back at the fact that the girl he attempted to hit on yesterday was in the same school where he transferred.

His cheeks instantly reddened from embarrassment as he hastily shifted his gaze away from mine, hurriedly situating himself down next to Jimin.

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at how easily he blushed.

Taehyung's actually kinda cute.

"Okay class, I'll be assigning a project to do with a partner. And yes, I'll be choosing who your partner will be." The teacher announced, causing everyone to let out a sluggish groan.

Taking out a piece of paper from his folder, he began to read the pairs he selected aloud.

"Park Yerim, you'll be with Lee Hyeona. Jeon Jungkook, you're with Park Jimin." The teacher said, only to receive a disgusted scoff from Yerim and Hyeona as Jungkook and Jimin gave each other a cheerful high-five.

He continued to state the long list of names on his paper, and I patiently awaited for mine to be called.

"Choi Seoyeon, you'll be with Kim Taehyung." The teacher announced, making me completely freeze in my position.

Well, this is gonna be awkward.

"Since our next lesson will be pertaining to DNA, you are to present a poster explaining the structure and functions of it. This will be due on Monday." The teacher instructed as he assigned us a project to due over the weekend.

The class responded with an unenthusiastic grunt, not fond of the idea of completing such a tiresome homework.

Turning around and picking up his chalk, the teacher began his everyday lecture like usual.

~ After Class ~

Shoving my notebook and pencil case into my bag, I prepared myself to head out until I was suddenly approached by a grumpy-looking Yerim.

"Well someone's mad?" I commented as I let out a small chuckle, laughing at her expression which resembled an angry bulldog.

"Why the hell did I have to get that stupid moron as my partner?" She complained as she irritatedly scratched her head.

"Oh yeah, you have Hyeona right? I honestly feel so bad for you." I said, pitying her for being assigned with such a horrid person.

"Ugh, you're lucky you have a good partner." Yerim said, causing me to immediately shake my head in denial.

"I don't even know him Yerim. It's gonna be so freaking awkward." I whined.

"At least Taehyung's cute." She stated in a rather jealous tone.

"Hey, don't say that when you have a boyfriend." I scolded as I shushed her, feeling bad for her boyfriend if he knew his precious girlfriend was praising another guy for his looks.

"Uh, about that..." She reluctantly muttered, apprehensively shifting her gaze to the ground.

I gasped in extreme shock, hovering my hand over my mouth with my jaw completely dropped.

"Yeah, I broke up with him." Yerim said, carelessly shrugging it off as if it wasn't a big deal.

"What? Why?" I curiously questioned, wondering why she just broke it off with her boyfriend all of a sudden.

She was hesitant on telling me the actual reason, but timidly opened her mouth to confess.

"I-I kind of like someone else..."

Hearing her unexpected admittance, I once again let out a loud gasp.

"Really?! Who?!" I curiously asked as excitement instantly filled up my heart, extremely eager to know who my best friend's new crush was.

"Sorry, can't tell you." Yerim said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"Come on~ I'm your best friend~" I earnestly pleaded, putting my hands together in prayer form as I begged her to tell me.

"Nope. Bye~" She said as she playfully winked at me, hurriedly turning around and running away from me in order to avoid my question.

"Whatever, I'll eventually find out anyways." I said as I shrugged it off, knowing the fact that Yerim was terrible at keeping secrets.

Zipping up my backpack, I tightly grasped the strap of it, wore it on my back, and casually headed out of the classroom.

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