Stelena marriage

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Elena P.O.V

Dear diary,
       This morning I feel different. I don't know why but maybe it's the fact that I know I'll see him again. Is it the way he smiles or is it the way I feel when I'm with him? Jeremy has been bipolar lately, maybe it's the fact that he still gets high with Vick at the cemetery. I don't know what do with him, neither does Aunt Jenna. My parents died last summer and now Jenna is our legal guardian.

"Elena time for school!" Aunt Jenna yelled.

"Coming!" I screamed back.

"Did you make me breakfeast?" said Jeremy.

"No I'm late for work!" said Jenna .

"Wait are you already high?" I asked .

"Why do you even care?" said Jeremy.

"Because I'm your sister!" I yelled.

"Go to school already! Love you and all that other stuff go, go, go, I have work." said Jenna.

Once we got to school I rushed to locker 142, it's his locker, Stefan Salvatore's!!

We've been dating for 3 years. I kissed him right after he got out of fourth period. Then he said,"Elena I have to tell you something." He took me to the auditorium he told me to sit down. So I did.

Stefan P.O.V

After I told her to sit I popped the question. I don't care if she is a human I want to start a life with her, I will live with her for her entire eternity. So I asked her "Elena Gilbert I don't care if your human and I'm not but all I know is that no matter what I want to be with you in all your life events. So, what do you say Elena will you marry me?"

Elena P.O.V

Oh my god Stefan just asked me to marry him. What do I say? I mean I love him and feel the same way but what happens when I die, he will be alone. So I did the only thing I could I said," Yes, but first you have to turn me."

"What?!? I thought that was the last thing you would ever want to be?" Stefan asked.

"It is, but I want to be with you no matter what." I answered.

"I don't want to push you to do something you don't want to." Stefan said.

"I'm sure I want this." I said.

Then he took a bite out of his wrist fed me his blood, then he snapped my neck. The next morning he took me to the woods so I can feed. I took a little blood from a camper, then compelled them to forget so I could live. After that Stefan took me to a place with a bunch of deer, he taught me how to catch them and eat. It felt kind of nasty because Bambi is like my favorite Disney movie. Then we held hands and walked home.

Stefan P.O.V

Elena Gilbert will be my wife, but I thought she wanted a child so tomorrow I'm going to adopt a child and get her a child for her bday.

Stelena marriageOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz