Adoption Center

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Stefan P.O.V

I'm at the adoption shelter what child would Elena want? Mmmmm.......

Oh I'm going to get her a daughter. Yeah. Daddy's girl. I'm filling out the paper work.. What do I want her name to be? What about Rebekah? Nah, Elena will only have bad memories. Lexi? After my best friend. She'll be strong and beautiful, but she did have a bad impression on Elena the first time they met, she was the girl in the towel. Oh I got it now for sure, her name will be Caroline after my bestest friend. Her name will stand for trustworthy, beautiful, and the best at not feeding on humans. Wait she won't be a vampire. If she's not a vampire how is she supposed to adapt to us feeding on animals? Maybe this is a bad idea, but I already filled out most of it and they're getting her ready. Maybe we could turn her at age 16? Yeah and Elena and I can keep our vampirism a secret okay. Caroline just came out of the room in the back she was beautiful 3 years old with golden locks of hair and shockingly she looked like our Caroline , Caroline Forbes. She said to me ," Daddy." As a tear dropped off of my cheek she hugged my leg. I picked her up and said,"I love you Caroline." She said ," Me Carowine wub daddy."

Elena P.O.V

What is taking Stefan so long. I miss him already and I'm getting hungry. Maybe I'll go catch some rabbits. As I walked out I saw Stefan in his red car with a little blonde girl that looked like Caroline. They got out of the car holding hands she ran up to me and said," Happy birthday mama." I asked Stefan she's so adorable who is she?" He said her name is Caroline. She's our daughter. A smirk was on his face and I started to tear up. <3

Stelena marriageOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz