Health and social

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Jake POV
Jake- we have health and social
Tessa- oh...
We all looked at Erika.
Erika- let's go
I could see in eyes she was scared. I helped walk to class. We got by the door, I whispered into her ear saying
Jake- *whispering* it's going to be okay, you got me
She slightly smiled. We walk in and saw we had a new teacher...
Erika POV
I tryed to put a brave act on but inside I was s**ting myself. We walked in and we have a new teacher it was mr crompton
Nick- good morning
Jerika and Tanthony- hi
Nick- please take a seat
I didn't notice in science but we have a new class and it was smaller. We took our seats
Nick- when I call you name say here
Class- yes sir
Nick- chad
Chad- here
Nick- Nathan and Kade
Nathan and Kade- here
Nick- Anthony
Anthony- OHIO
Nick- ok, next Logan and Jake
Jake- what the fhell
Nick- Chloe
Chloe- here
Nick- mackenzie
mackenzie- here
Nick- Tessa
Tessa- yo what's up
Nick- ok, Erika
Erika- here
Nick- Tristan
Tristan- here
Nick- ayla
Ayla- here
Nick- that's everyone for now we just waiting for three others
Anthony- who are they
Nick- all I know it's 3 girls, now guys I'll be your teacher the only classes I won't be teacher you is science and maths
Jake- yay! we still stuck with that teacher and we still have Mrs clack
Nick- yeah you guys are
Then the door opened in came...
Nathan pov
3 girls came in but one caught my eye. 
Nick- girls welcome, one by one  Introduce yourself
...- I'm kelly
...- I'm Loren
...- and I'm Julia
Loren and Kelly- we're back
Jake POV
Erika Smile at them.
Julia- I need saving
Erika- be nice
Julia- I'm always nice
Erika- sure
Nick- please take your seats please
They took their seats but on a different table
Nick- so today you guys are going to do a poster with the people on you table
Jake- what about
Nick- I'm just getting onto Jake. So you going to made a poster about your dream job, so what you guys want to be when you're older
Erika- what happens if you already have your dream job
Nick- wright what the job is and about it. This will be your homework Aswell so pick a place to carry on, you got 45 minuets left so you can start or just talk
Nick walk back to his desk
Erika- who's house are we going to
Jake- mine
Then Logan came over
Logan- yo jakey and toner
Jake- don't call me that
Anthony- only my friends call me that and you're not my friend
Logan- why are guys hanging out with the nerds
I felt my anger built up inside
Jake- they are not nerds, I met the true Erika and Tessa you haven't I regret bulling so does Anthony go back to your table
Logan- you do as I say
Jake- actually out don't, you not the boss of me the only reason you not on college is because you have s**t grades
Logan- now do what I say
Jake- why should I
Logan- I'm you older brother
Jake- oh really so if you care about me why did you f**k Alissa then you knew she was my first love
Logan- erm...
Anthony- why don't you back off,  go and hook up with Chantel again, oh wait you can't
Logan-... why
Jake- cause she almost killed Erika
Logan- so what
Jake- you know what Logan
Logan- what Jake
Jake- if you care about me let me hang out with Tessa and Erika
Logan rolled his eyes at us and walked back to his seat.
Anthony- don't listen to him
Arghhh! why don't people mind they own business? Erika saw the angry in my eyes she grad my hand, all my angry went away. Erika smiled at me.
Jake- *whispering* thank you
Erika- * whispering* no problem Paul
Anthony- so, love birds
We both blushed
Tessa- love is in the air
Jerika- shut up, let's start
Tessa- who's going first
Anthony- me
Jake- no lady's first
Anthony- when did you turn into such a gentlemen
Jake- someone made me change for the better
I smile at Erika she blushed
Nick- do you want a detention?
Anthony- if it's a choice it's no from me
Nick- then stop shouting and swearing that for you four
Jerika and Tessa- what did we do
Nick- I got told what you did today
Jerika- oh
Tessa- we're be good
Nick- better be
Nick walked back to his desk
Jake- Erika or Tessa go first
Tessa- well I'm a model but I would like to be a dancer
Jake- wright the down toner
He rolled his eyes at me.
Jake- Erika
Erika- when I got my drama job
Jake- got that tony
Anthony- I have
Erika- Jake
Jake- well I want to be a Social media star
Anthony- I got that
Erika- so toner what do you want to do
Anthony- jerika stop calling me toner
Jerika- ok we would call you that toner
He rolled his eyes at us
Anthony- I want to a nurse
Erika and I busted into laughter
Anthony- what
Erika- I wouldn't trusted you
Anthony- who said I want you to be my patient
Erika- I won't go to the hospital if you work in it
Anthony- hahah anyway I want nurse or a basketball player
Erika- nah you probably just get to work in McDonald's
Jake- that probably true
Me and Erika just laughed
Tessa- stop it jerika
Jerika- nope
Tessa rolled her eyes
Tessa- you got it
Anthony- yeah, we go to Jake house and gets facts about our drama jobs
Tessa POV
Tessa- can I have my pen back
Anthony- sure but you got the catch it
He throw my pen, I couldn't it. It landed on the floor. I bent down to pick it up as I did I saw Jake and Erika holding hands. OMFG! JERIKA IS REAL! As I got up I hit my head on the table.
Tessa- ow
Erika- are you okay
Tessa- yeah I'm fine
I got back in my chair just as the bell went .
Anthony- let's go to our next class
We walk out the class room...

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