principal office

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Jake POV
We walk out the classroom and started walking to the principal office. This is my second time going to the principal office, it's a world records for me, I normally go to the principal office once a year but this year two times in one week. Wow! But at least this is for a Positive thing not a Negative thing. We got to the principal office and stood outside the door
Erika- you got this Jake
I smiled at her
Jake- let's do it
Erika- Jake I'll wait outside for you
Jake- are you sure?
Erika- I'm 100% sure
Jake- fine. Wish me luck
Erika- you won't need
I took a deep breath then knocked on the door.
Principal- come in
I slowly opened the door
Principal- come in Jake and take sit
I walk in and sat down in one of chairs in fort of the desk
Principal- what are you doing here? You should be in class right now
Jake- I just had art
Principal- ok? Why are you here?
Jake- well I did few pieces of work
Principal- wait you doing work now?
Jake- yeah, someone help me change for the better
Principal- that's good to hear Jake, carry on now
Jake- Mr. Crompton said I did Incredible drawings and that I should take part in art Competition to representative my class, the year I am in and our school against other schools in Ohio
Principal- have you got your drawings with you Jake?
Jake- I do
Principal- can I have a look please?
Jake- sure
I got the 3 drawings out my bag.
Principal- which one was your first drawing?
Jake- this one

Principal- which one was your first drawing?Jake- this one

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Principal- wow! Jake this is brilliant. Can I see the second one please?
I past him the second one I did.

 Can I see the second one please? I past him the second one I did

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Principal- this is amazing work Jake. Is there any more work you did?
Jake- yes one more
Principal- can I see the last one?
I past him the last drawing

 Is there any more work you did?Jake- yes one more Principal- can I see the last one?I past him the last drawing

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Principal- this is Incredible Jake. Can I ask why these all have Erika in
Jake- well, Mr. Crompton said to pick someone to sit next to Erika asked me to sit next to her, of course I said yes. We sat down at our sits then he asked us to do a drawing of yourself and the person you're sitting next to, that was the first one. The second drawing Erika and I was finished the first drawing so he asked us to do a Creative drawing of each other that was behind the second drawing. The three drawing Mr. Crompton didn't ask me to do an other I just did while I was waiting for Erika to finish her drawing
Principal- wow! Jake I would love you to be representative your class, your year you are in and our school against other schools in Ohio, what do you say Jake?
Jake- I've love to do this
Principal- that great to hear Jake but I need to talk to your mom or dad, I preferably like to speak to which parent you live with
Jake- I live mainly at my mom house
Principal- tomorrow I will take you out of class at point when your mom arrive and we talk about this
Jake- ok
Principal- Jake one thing before you go
Jake- sure what is it?
Principal- this is the best art work I've ever seen but tonight can you do more picture so drawings or paints for me so it makes me see how artistic you are
Jake- I'll do it tonight
Principal- good Jake, you go to class now
Jake- thank you
Principal- you're welcome Jake, bye
Jake- bye
I walked out the door.
Erika- how did it go?
Jake- great! Tomorrow he asking my mom to come in and I'll be taking out of class. So I have a meeting but tonight he wants me to do more painting or drawing
Erika- that's great Jake
Jake- can I ask you something?
Erika- sure, what is it?
Jake- can I like draw the portrait you did of me?
Erika- sure
Jake- thank you, I've give you the credit of it and credit for helping being a better person so I can do this now
She smiled at me.
We walked to our next class but as I went to opened the door but Erika pulled my arm away
Jake- what's up?
Erika- can we makeout?
Jake- sure but make sure I have not lipstick on my lips
Erika- ok
We makeout for a few minutes, we both pulled away then Erika wiped the lipstick off my lips then we walked into class.

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