Opening night

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Suck it up that I'm totally skipping 12 weeks. BUT IM WORKING ON A TRAILER FOR THIS STORY!!! the pic is Summer


I 'swam' on stage with my 'sisters' and we sang our song then gasped when Ariel was gone. We were going through our last practice before opening night tonight. Mr. D was lucky to get us a broadway stage for opening night, so I'm super pumped.

I packed my costume in my back and walked back to the room. Around the second week of rehearsals, we figured that I should focus more on learning the lines for my next play since I was the main part, so Mr. D worked with me to get down the dance and songs fast so I could study my lines.

I almost had my lines down. The set was finished around 12 yesterday, and I saw the set for when I 'fell' and it was absolutely amazing. I'm glad I'll be on strings for that.

Hayley was fretting because she had to fix 5 costumes and we have 3 hours till the show starts.

"I can't do this! People need to be more careful with their costumes!!! I honestly can't do this!" She's running around our room looking for who knows what. "WHERES THE PURPLE THREAD?!?" She shrieks. I hand it to her and she rushes back to the sewing machine.

The door opens and Evan comes in, his face painted red. "Sebastian." I say, hiding my chuckle.

"I swear to god if you ruined your costume I will shoot you."

"Has she been like this all day?" He asks me. "All week actually."

"Babe, calm down, your fine, Mr. D just wanted to know if my face was the only thing that needed painted red on me." He kisses the top of her head. They started dating about 2 months ago.

"Just the face."

"Have you seen Aaron? He said he would meet me back here after practice." I ask Evan.

"No, I haven't seen him all day. I didn't even see him this morning."

"That's cause he was over here." Hayley says suggestively.

"We fell asleep watching movies!" I say, a slight whine in my voice.

"Without clothes on?" I smiled a little bit. I tried hiding it but Hayley caught it. "I knew it! That's what you do when we are gone!" "Shut up Hayley! I'm guessing you and Evan do it at his place when you go over!" Her face goes red. I smile in triumph.

"I gotta go." Evan says, walking toward the door. "I know your face is red under that paint." I call out. After he's gone, it's just me and Hayley, and we are laughing at what just happened.


"Have you tried calling him?" Sadie asks, Hayley putting her red wig on her head. "Like 20 times." Hayley says, annoyance lacing her words.

"Whatever, we need to get you in your tail." I say to her. I walk over and help her pin her tail so it moves when she walks, making it look like she's swimming.

I'm in my costume, waiting for curtain call. Backstage, someone calls for opening act and Sadie runs to where she needs to be.

I smile, watching her from side stage. She truly was amazing, she will definitely go far.

I get ready for my scene, hopping in my shell. I feel it being wheeled onto stage and the music starts. We all start singing and one by one the shells open. When Ariel isn't there, we all gasp.

I get ready for my next scene, not changing anything but the crown, taking that out of my hair.

We all sit at our 'mirrors' and did our hair, combing them with sea things.

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