1: Dreaded introductions .

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" I apologise on my daughter's behalf , I'm sure she has a explanation for her tardiness . She knew that we had an important discussion today , so I don't understand why she's late " Miss Embry exclaims , an angered frown imprinted on her forehead - Hunter and his mother Elizabeth knew that her anger was directed at her daughter . They was sat in Miss Embry's dining room waiting for Ophelia's anticipated and delayed arrival . They was here to discuss the matters of their arranged marriage and Miss Embry was clearly ashamed of her daughter not being present .

"Don't be silly Melinda ! The young girl was probably out last night enjoying her birthday , it's completely understandable . " Elizabeth nicely replied , but Hunter was beyond furious . He had been waiting for his 'future wife ' for at least an hour . He didn't want to be here and he certainly didn't want to marry the girl . He hadn't met her before , but he knew of her wild antics. She was a common face on the front of magazines , the public loved her and adored her reckless, immature behaviour . He on the other hand , did not .

The sound of the door opening caught everyone's attention , a brunette walked in the room currently unaware of their presence . She wore a pair of black shades over her eyes , which hinted that she was hungover . She was wearing a pair of black denim shorts that exposed her long , tanned legs ; a black , lacy bralette and a black leather jacket . She placed her handbag on the side and kicked of her high heels . He intensly admired her whole body discreetly , even though she was gorgeous the thought of marrying her didn't appeal to him in the slightest.

" Ophelia . " Melinda , her mother said . Even though she didn't raise her voice , everyone could detect the furious tone in her words . Ophelia quickly turned around stunned , removing her sunglasses , she smiled politely .

" Oh hello , you're all so quiet , I didn't even notice you was sitting there.I'm sorry I'm late , traffic was a nightmare " Ophelia said , walking towards the dining table and perching herself down on one of the seats opposite Hunter . He glared at her in annoyance , she was too busy greeting his mother too notice . He knew the traffic wasn't the reason she was late , she probably just got to wrecked, it also looked like she was still in the same outfit from her night out .

" Did you have a good birthday , dear ? " Elizabeth questioned kindly .

" Yeah I did , thank you . " Ophelia replied, and she inwardly smirked at them unknowing of just how much she enjoyed last night. Hunter noticed that even though she looked like a hot-mess , her red lipstick was perfectly intact . It was her signature mark , she was always seen wearing a shade of darkest crimson red on her lips . Many of her fans adapted the look into their own appearance as according to the public she was a 'fashion icon', Hunter thought it was disgraceful that she didn't look professional.

" Well as you've finally turned 19 .It's time we discuss the terms of yours and Hunter's marriage . I'm so excited to become you're mother-in-law , and I can't wait for you to become my daughter!" Elizabeth skipped straight to the point . Ophelia's eyes diverted to Hunter who was already penetrating her with his cold stare . She slightly smiled , but he acknowledged the look of distress in her eyes .They both didn't want to marry each other.

" I know that we've been suppose to marry each other since we was youngsters , but I don't really understand why . As much as I'd love to be your daughter-in-law . Shouldn't we marry people of our choosing , I just mean we don't even know each other and I don't see how we'd be suitable for each other . I'm not really sophisticated like Hunter is and I imagine that he isn't keen to marry me either . " Ophelia spoke , she was clearly trying to reason with the pair of mothers professionally without offending or angering anyone .

" I completely agree , I don't see the purpose in this arrangement ."Hunter agreed , directing his words to his mother .

"Before your fathers passed away , they both wanted you to marry when Ophelia reached the age of nineteen . Ophelia if you had any respect for your father and all his done for you , you'd honour his wishes for you." Melinda announced , Ophelia looked somewhat hurt that her mother questioned her respect for her late father .

" And Hunter , you know that your father wanted you to have settled down with a mature girl if you wanted to be the rightful owner of Richardson corporation . " Elizabeth responded to her son , with a look of disapproval .

" She's hardly a mature girl though Mother ! No offence . " Hunter argued . His sharp and prominent jawline clenching , Ophelia gladly took time to secretly admire him . His hair was a dark , chestnut shade of brown - it was styled in a perfected quiff , whilst it gradually tapered around his ears and neck . His eyes were a warm honey brown , if she wasn't careful she'd surely get lost in the stunning colour . He had a five o'clock shadow which complimented the structure of his high , pronounced cheekbones . He was attractive , but she couldn't stand his personality already. Businessman were bores.

" None taken , I agree !" Ophelia quickly interrupted , " I don't think I'd make a good wife , especially at this age."

" Enough !" Melinda shouted , " Ophelia , yes it's true , you're not mature in the slightest . But , you've got three months to become a proper , respectful lady before you exchange vows . None of these crazy nights out of yours will happen again , I want you to make some new friends that will stop encouraging your reckless behaviour . You shouldn't be out partying and clubbing each weekend , you should be transforming into a well-behaved wife .That's why me and Elizabeth have agreed , that you should move into Hunter's home next week . "

" Why the hell am I only just hearing this now . It's my home and my privacy , I should of been involved in the discussion before you even considered coming to an agreement . It's my decision who I invite in my home !" Hunter shouted , slamming his fist on the table .He looked furious .

" - And I'm Nineteen , I shouldn't be 'transforming into a well-behaved wife ' . I should be enjoying my life ! How can you determine where I live , what gives you that right . Don't you even hear what you're saying . " Ophelia questioned , looking completely distraught .

" You'll both grow together and become better people ! I understand that you both don't want to marry and I understand why , but this is what your fathers wanted . Hunter , your position at Richardson corporation depends on this and Ophelia , this is what your father wanted !" Elizabeth said , looking at both of the annoyed pair . None of them responded , they just gave fierce glares and bluntly shared their feelings about this in silence .

" Hunter and I must get going , it was lovely to see you Ophelia and you , Melinda . We'll see you next week when you move in. Hopefully , everyone feels a bit better about this by then " Elizabeth sighed . Melinda quickly lead them out , whilst Ophelia sat rigidly in shock . She hated this , and he hated this .

They were polar opposites, it was like trying to complete a puzzle with pieces from two different boxes . The only thing they had in common was that they didn't want to get married.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2019 ⏰

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