Yami's pov

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As the meeting was underway I looked and watched Yugi standing behind me. His eye color and just himself keeps intriguing me further each day. He is just a slave and nothing more. Yet I knew if anyone try to harm him they would be sentenced to death that very moment. Of course I just ruled this as Yugi belongs to me as my slave, but I knew something else was unfolding. My council kept yelling at one another over Thief Bakura and what we should do to stop him.
"Pharaoh!" Seth yelled at me.
"What?" I growled lowly
"Pharaoh I believe it is time to end the meeting. It's happening again."
"The meeting is over!" I yelled and walked away, not looking to see if my slave was following me. I got back to my chamber and looked over to see Yugi standing to the side with his head down. I smirked and walked close to Yugi and took his chin in my hand. I gently lifted his head up.
"Look at me" I commanded through a low and husky voice. Yugi slowly looked up and met my eyes. Just that innocent look in his amethyst eyes made me want to do something undecidedable.
"Yuugi tell me about yourself. Especially your unique and beautiful eues~" I purred and whispered in his ear.
"Speck" I commanded once more.
"M-my Pharaoh." He stuttered. I put my forehead against his and that's when I realized what I was doing.
I quickly pushed Yugi away and he fall on the floor.
"Leave." I commanded and pointed to his room. He stared up at me with tears in his eyes.
"LEAVE NOW!" I yelled and marched out of my room and slammed the door. I couldn't think. I made my way to the gardens and sat down.
"What is he doing to me?"

Hey guys here is am update! Yay I'm back. Gonna get back in my Grove soon! Tell me how this chapter is please!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2018 ⏰

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