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Ignoring the sleazebag who kept attempting to paw her - if he wasn't her brother's acquaintance, he would have ended up with bruises - the woman walked towards one of the VIP tables. She could still feel the stranger's eyes on her, watching her every step.

Puzzled by his attention when there were plenty of good looking young women in the vicinity, she couldn't shake off the odd feeling. Very rarely had she had been mistaken for someone else.

"Xin Xin, tell your friend to go away." Zhang Meng made a beeline the man in the middle of the sofa who was flanked by two models. The women didn't hide their displeasure when the newcomer wedged herself between Ya Xin and one of them but Zhang Meng couldn't care less.

Ya Xin shouted over the music, trying to hide his amusement, "Bo Lin, my sister isn't interested in you. How many times have we been through this?" On hearing that the woman was Ya Xin's sibling, the models hurriedly prepared a drink for her.

"Can I just smack him?" His sister was itching to inflict some bodily harm on the man.

"No, Meng Meng, you may not," explained her brother, lowering his tone. "His father is one of Papa's business associates."

"But someone was harassing her." Bo Lin wasn't easily deterred. "There he is."

And indeed the strange man was in the same spot, standing motionlessly in the middle of the crowded, buzzy area. Like a scene out of a movie. He had an unreadable expression but there was no question about it, he was looking straight at her. He was a very handsome man - more pretty actually. She was curious. He behaved as though he had never seen a female before.

The normally hot-tempered Zhang Meng would have been irritated if someone was staring at her like that. There was still a twinge of annoyance but mainly she was more intrigued right now.

Who was this Yan Da? She must be someone of importance to that man, more than a casual friend, to warrant such intensity from this individual.

But the woman wasn't one to overthink things - after all she was there to party and damn right she was going to have fun.


"So you had no idea too."

Finally breaking out the trance, Ying Kong Shi had to nudge a still gawking Xing Jiu away to the bar. The two attractive men caused a group of nearby girls to flutter excitedly.

"No. I haven't sensed anything lately." Xing Jiu muttered, more to himself.

"Are you sure? Maybe you missed out something," asked the Ice Prince who followed to order a bottle of the joint's most expensive alcohol. Perhaps the Chief Dreamer had been having so much fun on earth that he had lost touch of what was going on spiritually in the universes.

Not pleased that his competence was being questioned, Xing Jiu insisted, "My prince, I assure you that the stars have been quiet and revealed nothing." He turned to look at the Yan Da doppelganger again. "Goodness, she looks exactly like the Princess. Did you speak with her?"

Ying Kong Shi remained passive, even though his insides were churning, the fire side of the prince boiling internally. "She doesn't know who I am. She is not Yan Da. Her name is Zheng Meng."

"Could it really be a coincidence? Do you think two people can look so similar?"

Pouring the Japanese whiskey into a glass, Ying Kong Shi decided to have the drink neat - human alcohol did nothing to immortals, unless magic was involved. "When she died, the last time, she killed Yan Zhu. The Fire tribe would never have forgiven her. Even if they did, why would they have her reborn as a mortal?"

"I really need to go into retreat tomorrow."

"I thought you were sure that this wasn't written in the stars." As much as Ka Suo and now Feng Suo did have absolute faith in his advisor, Ying Kong Shi reckoned the Head of Dreamers had his authority shaken a little for the moment - all thanks to this encounter.

Still staring at the woman called Zhang Meng, Xing Jiu explained, "The stars are the closest to me but there are other powers, in the greater universes that might be at work."

"Would you be able to find out if Yan Da had been reincarnated?" The slight desperation in Ying King Shi's voice was unheard of.

Turning his gaze upon the Ice Prince, Xing Jiu continued with respect, "I will try my best, my prince. But if this woman wasn't Yan Da reborn, would you not be interested in her?"

Honestly, Ying Kong Shi had no idea. 

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