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And just like that - she roused awake.

As though her encounter with Yan Da in that post-apocalyptic place was indeed an elaborate dream.

Zhang Meng's eyes flashed open. She tried to take a deep conscious breath, but it ended up more like a loud strangled gasp. Everything was white and blinding and she blinked a couple of times, adjusting to the stark white that seemed to be the only colour she could see.

"Oh my god, Meng Meng, how are you feeling?" Ya Xin's face floated into her vision. Right above her. She realised that she was lying down.

Struggling with her body to sit up, her head spinning around for some reason, Zhang Meng was relieved to see her brother again. Except there was a hollow disappointment that gnawed at her, she had somehow grown attached to Yan Da after their short meeting. If only she had more time to speak with her doppelganger, to find out what happened, to discover who Yan Da was and how both of them were related.

Yan Da spoke as if she had known Zhang Meng all of their lives. When Zhang Meng was positive they had never met previously.

"Not that great," A wave of nausea hit her as she finally was sitting straight. "But I'll survive."

In a rare show of public affection, Ya Xin reached to pull her into a hug. "Meng Meng, I was so worried."

"Don't be such a drama king, Xin Xin. How long was I out?" She chuckled, remembering what Yan Da said about her family. Only to realise that they weren't alone.

Ying Kong Shi stood at the foot of the hospital bed, with two other strangers.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Releasing his embrace of his sister, Ya Xin shot, "I told you Mr Ying Kong, you aren't welcomed here. My sister doesn't want to see you."

One of the men stepped forward and asked, "How are you feeling, Miss Zhang?"

"Who are you?" Zhang Meng backed away.

The last man finally spoke, "It's OK Miss Zhang, Wang Duo is the best Chinese physician in Shanghai. He's here to help you."

"And who are you?" The woman demanded of the other stranger, losing patience with the intruders.

Ya Xin stood up with a hand still supporting his sister, "I'm warning you guys, leave now. My sister doesn't need any of your help."

There was a quick knock on the door and then it opened. In strided Jiang Chao, oblivious to the tension in the room. But as astute as he was, the CIO of Fire sussed out the situation in seconds. Engulfing his sister in a tight but quick embrace, Jiang Chao's relief that Zhang Meng had woken up from her coma was obvious.

"Papa is on his way." Jiang Chao shot his other brother a look. "Mr Ying Kong has very kindly engaged the services of Wang Duo. He's very reputed. He knows what he is doing. If you could, Mr Wang."

"Ge, we should get the doctor to come instead." Ya Xin insisted, before adding. "Mr Wang can give a second opinion."

The so-called physician smoothly swooped past the disgruntled Ya Xin and gently reached for Zhang Meng's hand to take her pulse.

"Mr Ya, I assure you Wang Duo is the best in the business." Ying Kong Shi finally spoke, looking straight at her.

"Do you still feel cold, Miss Zhang?" This Wang Duo's bedside manners was impeccable. Zhang Meng was sure some of the girls at the office would feign illness to meet him. But all the woman could focus on was Ying Kong Shi who she realised might have the answers to her unasked questions.

"What did you do to Yan Da?"

It just came out. The bitterness that Zhang Meng saw first hand in her subconscious was very real and burned now inside her chest. She felt a sense of solidarity with the woman who she couldn't have possibly dreamed up. Somehow she took Yan Da's grievances personally.

"You saw her?" Ying Kong Shi stood where he was but his earlier languid pose instantly took on rigidity - as if his body was at attention. "Where?"

When suddenly faced with this sudden interrogation, Zhang Meng developed an instant protectiveness of Yan Da. Even though her doppelganger seemed to be able to take care of herself. But there was this pressing need to keep everything private from this man who had seemingly hurt Yan Da beyond comprehension.

Finally, the only person in the hospital room she had not been introduced to, gave her a smile. That lit up to his eyes. He spoke when Zhang Meng didn't reply Ying Kong Shi. "I know you don't know me, Miss Zhang. But I'm Xing Jiu. I am one of Ice's partners and Shi's best friends."

"And you are probably wondering why am I here." His disarming air was non-threatening and the handsome man seemed to read her mind. "Well, we are potential business collaborators and I never want to start anything on a bad note. This is an very unfortunate incident that I hope will not adversely affect our upcoming talks."

Reminded of the professional aspect of those present, Jiang Chao quickly interrupted to say, "Of course not. What happened was indeed unfortunate but my sister knows that this has got nothing to do with business."

When her brother gave her a sidelong meaningful stare, Zhang Meng blinked and grudgingly agreed. Narrowing her eyes, she recognised this Xing Jiu from somewhere.

"You have a sister." Her memory picked out his particular face from the flashes of images she saw through Yan Da's projection.

Xing Jiu's surprised reaction wasn't lost on the rest of the room, especially Ying Kong Shi who's eyes further narrowed. "You remember Xing Gui?" His manner was gentle and the initial astonished expression was replaced with a kinder one.

This other newcomer wasn't threatening but exhaustion hit Zhang Meng like a huge and sudden wave. Moving to pull on Jiang Chao's arm, she pleaded, "I am really tired." Xing Jiu was intriguing - there was something about him that drew her attention. However, she could still feel Ying Kong Shi's gaze following her every move and this continued to cause her discomfort. She would have to investigate what happened between Yan Da and him some other time.

"We'll take our leave." The physician took the cue and stood up. "But perhaps I can speak with one of you outside? Miss Zhang is fine but there are just some things to note."

Not wanting to deal with these people anymore, the woman laid down and pulled the cover over her head. Her head was spinning, there was a dull ache in her chest - even though they had just met, Zhang Meng hated that she had to leave Yan Da alone in that no man's land. 

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