Zach (Pax East?)

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Zach watched Will stare off at the rain and frowned, Why does he seem so sad and why is he so cute when he folds his arms? Zach's heart quickened, WHAT DID I JUST SAY! AM I SERIOUSLY LIKING THE WAY HE FOLDS HIS ARMS AND LISTENS TO KASKADE FOR LITTERALY AN HOUR!? Will turned his head and looked at Zach, he had his black hoodie pulled over his head and his hair tucked behind his left ear, his headphones were red and black stripped. Zach looked at the ground and mouthed, 'sorry..' then looked away, he could still feel Will's eyes watching him as he began to talk to Shelby.

"Hey guys we are here!" Dfeild sung as he swung open his door and jumped out of the car.

Zach grabbed his things from off the ground and looked to his side and saw that Will was doing the same, by accident their hands touched because Will's charger was beneath Zach's headphones. Will pulled his hand away and looked away and grabbed something else. Zach shrugged and grabbed his headphones and got out of the van.

Zach followed Will to their apartment and Will unlocked it and Zach followed him inside, "So whose bed is whose?" Will said as he put his key in his hoodie pocket. They both received a key but, Will got their faster then Zach.

"I'll take the one by the window." Zach answered not paying attention to the layout of the room.

"Zach... they are both by a window." Will retorted trying to hide a smile.

"Oh, then the one on the left!" Zach said as he threw his bag on his bed while Will placed his bag on his bed and began to put his things away, Will is so cute... Handsome? Oh Zach, what are you doing with yourself...

Zach glanced around and looked at Will, "Hey, why did you over react back there? I was just joking around."

"I just didn't know you knew I was listening to Kascade." Will said as he shifted alittle, he pushed his hair out of his eyes and grabbed his phone out of his jacket, "Looks like it'll be 89° today, imma go change into my button up shirt." Will said as he dug into his bag and pulled out a nicely folded shirt.

Zach nodded and watched Will walk towards the rooms bathroom and sighed and fell back onto his bed, What am I going to do! Zach thought as he knew he was doomed with the fact that he loved Will more that a friend.

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