Will's P.O.V.

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   Will smiled as he followed Zach to the resturaunt where they were meeting their friends. The others were there except for Strawb and Parker. Will went towards Liam and whispered, "Hey how's it going?"

     "It's going fine, how are you and Zach?"

       "Fine.." Will trailed off as Parker and Strawb raced towards them.

      "STRAWB YOU LAZY JERK THEY BEAT US!" Parker yelled ounce they caught their breath.

      "Stop fighting like an old married couple you two!" Zach mimicked Liam which made Will and Liam laugh.

        "C'mon guys!" Stacy said as she lead the way into the restaurant. Will sat beside Zach and felt Zach grab his hand, which made Will look at the ground while blushing like crazy.

      "Will are you ok you've been awfully quiet?" Dfeild and Shelby both questioned

       "I-Uh- Yeah I'm ok!" Will said looking up at Dfeild and Shelby.  

      "He's probably humming to Kaskde!" Zach joked which made Will punch his arm, "HEY!" Zach yelled.  He shot Will a look then smiled and laughed.

       "Something is defiantly going on between those two....." Will heard Liam whispering to Stacy, "I'll talk to Will about it and you can talk to Zach about it.. let's just make sure they aren't near each other!"

      "Ok Liam." Stacy agreed.

    After dinner everyone went out for a walk to the park, Liam beckoned for Will to follow him so he did, Liam led Will to an area surrounded by Oak and Birch tree's. "Will what's going on?"

   Will sighed and shifted a leg, "I-uh- I don't kn-"

    Liam sighed and put a hand on Will's shoulder, "If there is something wrong you can tell me Will."

    Will sighed then nodded, he looked up at Liam and mumbled, "You remember what I messaged you about Zach right?"

    "Of course." Liam said, he seemed to be trying to not say anything about it to make Will know that they were friends and they could talk if he wanted too.

     "I-I- Zach talked to me about and well... he said he you know... likes me back.." Will hesitated but, finished off. He looked at Liam and realized how shocked Liam was.

     "Wow Will."


      "It's nothing, c'mon let's get back before anyone questions why we are away." Liam said as he led Will back to where everyone was. Stacy was talking to Zach about 8 feet away from the group but, when she saw Liam she led him back to the group which made Will suspect something was going on. Why did Liam want to know what was going on between me and Zach.. I may of heard them over dinner but, that still doesn't explain enough since I wasn't seeing it from their view. Will thought as Zach stood away from Will, he probably lied to Stacy by the expression that was on his face.

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