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If I were to think back to everything that has happened to me since birth...

I would have to say that the bad outweighs the good.

I know its supposed to be the other way around, but thats not what I feel.

It'll probably get better in the future, but right now im living in the present and everything aint as sweet and pretty as it seems.


In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It. Goes. On.

-Robert Frost


His sister arrived in my room five minutes later. She was pretty and looked alot like he did. When she came into the room she went up to him and gave him a hug. She then came over to me and sat next to me.

"Hi, cutie, whats your name?" she asked me with a smile on her face. Her teeth were straight and almost perfectly white.

"My name's Lullise, but I like to be called Lulls..." I said looking up at her for a brief moment then looking down again.

"Well Lulls, my name's Lalayna, but I like to be called Layna."

"okay" was all I said, I didnt really have much to say to her since I didn't know her. I looked over at Dezion and he was getting up to talk on the phone again. Layna looked back to see what I was looking at and shook her head.

"You know you're a really pretty little girl... I've always wished I had a little sister instead of big headed Dezzy." She said smiling. I just smiled at her and continued to listen to her talk.

"Even though i wish I had a little sister, I wouldnt trade him for the world. We've been side by side through the worst." she said. A second later Dezion walked back into the room and over to where we were.

"Lulls, I'm gonna leave you here with Layna while I go do something. Layna, you got everything you need?" he asked looking at her. she nodded her head.

"Alright, I'll see yall later then.. Outtie." he said then threw up the peace sign. Layna then turned to me.

"so what do ya wanna do? I know theres not much when you're in a hospital, but im sure we could think of something" she said. smiling.

"I dunno" I said.

"Do you wanna talk?" she asked. I just nodded my head. " Okay. we can talk about ourselves because im curious. do you wanna go first or me?" I pointed to her so she could go first.

"Okay, so first off, my full name is Lalayna Nicole Johnson. I have one older brother; Dezion. And no other siblings. I live with Dezion and I go to John B. Loast high school.. Umm, oh! I have one best friend and her name is Tanya. I have one other friend name Becca. We're all seventeen. My birthday is October 3rd, I was born in the year 1996. My mom and Dad passed away when I was 11. They were both shot while iIwas at school. After they passed, Me and Beaver were put into foster care. They put us into seperate homes. I lived in my first foster home until I was thirteen, but i ran away. They caught me three days later while I was trying to find my brother..." she stopped for a brief moment wiping her tears away.

"They then put me into another home. The man who owned this one would touch on me and the other kids in our private areas. I lived through a year of this, but on my 14th birthday I ran away again and looked for my brother. After asking around I found out that my brother had also ran away from his home too. He had been living on the streets and I found him one day while going into the park. From then on we stuck together. I would have rather stuck with him living on the street than go back to any of those homes. He soon started working and we got a place to live. We've been together ever since." I looked up at her as she finished her story and she smiled at me.

" something I've learned in my seventeen years of life is that even when life seems too hard to keep going, continue, because sooner than later, its gonna get better." I smiled. What she had said really stuck with me because thats how I was feeling.

"Your turn." she got into my bed and sat criss-crossed at the bottom. 

I told her everything from when Me, mommy, and daddy had went on our first day to the beach, how mommy would take me to get my nails done, to the night when they were killed. I went on to tell her about living in the girls home to that night when everything happened. I almost cried remembering everything that had happened, but I didnt let one tear fall. I was proud of myself. I could feel myself getting stronger and having someone to talk to was healing me.

After i finished my story she came up and hugged me.

" You are a strong little girl.. It's like youre my little minnie me. You've been through so much by yourself." she hugged me tighter, then let go. She had tears in her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I asked her. She just shook her head and went to the bathroom. I looked at the TV to see what was on and she came outta the bathroom.

"So what do you wanna do now? Are you hungry?" she asked, then sat back down on the bed, only this time she sat next to me. I shook my head no because I still didnt have much of an appetite.

"Okay, lets see what movies are on.." she picked up the remote and flicked through the TV. We decided on watching picture perfect. 

Halfway through the movie I began to get sleepy. I looked over at Layna and she was on her phone. I just decided on going to sleep instead of bothering her.

Maybe I would dream tonight...








Vote and Comment guys!!!! Sorry it took so long for me to update though!

And thank you to everyone who has voted and commented! much appreciation!

All characters that are in the book so far are in the video to the side or in the beginning of this chapter..!

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