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Dear Cas,
Abby asked about you today. She's gotten so big, she's such a curious little thing. Just like Sam was when he was small.

She asked why I didn't have a girlfriend. So instead I told her the story of us.

'Once upon a time, there was the most handsome Prince to ever live. His eyes were golden skies of blue, and he wore these glasses, they were a little dorky, but they made him look adorable'

She has the most innocent and pure laugh Cas. You would have loved her, I know it.

'One day there was a boy who noticed the prince at the ball and he instantly fell in love with him'

It'll only be two more years until she starts school.

'They fell in love and their lives were good, until one day the boy had to go fight in battle, but the boy and his prince had made a promise for the boy to come home to the prince one day. So during the battle the boy held onto the promise.'

Abby loves Elvis. I play our song for her every time I see her, it puts her to sleep.

'And that promise is what got the boy home to his prince, only the boy had seen scary monsters in battle. He was scared, Abby the boy was so scared, he was scared that his prince wouldn't recognize him, that the boy failed to recognize himself'

Sam and Jess are good too. They've been married for five years now, isn't that amazing?

' the boy ended up leaving his prince. That turned out to be the biggest mistake of his life. Years passed and the boy and the prince went about their lives, until one day the boy got a phone call, the boys prince was sick, he was very sick. He was so sick that he ended up dying.'

Then Abby asked about the happy ending.

'Well Abby, there was a beautiful princess born, she was the daughter of the boys brother, and she was amazing. She gave the boy strength to continue'

The end.

See you then,

-the boy

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