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The operation had lasted four hours and resulted in the patient dying on the table.
"Do you want me to tell his wife?" Fletch offered.
"Yeah if you wouldn't mind. I'll be in my office for the rest of the day if anyone asks." She walked away to her office, leaving Fletch worried.

She got into her office and closed the door. She had let a tear fall down her cheek.
"I can't do this, " Jac whispered to herself as she shuffled over to her chair. "I just can't." She held her head in her hands for what seemed like hours, while tears trickled down her cheeks and landed on the paperwork she was supposed to be doing. The time had flown by and was soon interrupted by an unwanted and ill timed guest.
"Jac?"  He said opening the door
"Go away Fletcher," her voice was weak.
"No. I'm going to stay and your going to talk to me." Jac looked up at him from her desk. Her face was red. She got up and shut the door and indicated Fletch to sit on the sofa.
"Wait," she said before he sat down. Fletch turned to look at her.
"I'm sorry," Jac whispered before pulling him into a hug.
" Sit down Jac. Tell me everything."

They sat in silence for a while. Fletch kept looking up at Jac with a worried expression on his face. Stop looking at me. Stop making this even harder.
"Jac, please just tell me . I know somethings wrong. Just please for once open up to me, like you did before the shooting." He stopped. She looked up at him. Her facial expression hadn't changed but her eyes told him everything. She looked hurt, defenceless,weak.
"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to bring that up," she could hear the anxiousness in his voice. Does he really care? She turned her head to look at him. His eyes. His dreamy eyes that she had fallen in love with. She started to speak
"Well...I..umm...I-" *knock knock knock knock* Perfect timing.
"Come in," Jac said as emotionless as possible whilst getting up and walking to her desk.
" Hi I didn't want to interrupt but," the nurse turned to look at Fletch, who was still sat on the sofa looking hurt and confused, " but one of your patients Mr Block was complaining about something and asked for you."
The room stayed silent. Jac looked up at Fletch at the same time Fletch looked up at Jac.
" Well what are you still doing here. Go," she stated. He didn't move.
"GO." She had picked herself up enough to scream. Jac felt her heart drop as she watched the man she loved walk out of her office, almost as if it was in slow motion. Before he shut the door he looked at her, still hurt but she could tell he cared. About her.
Stupid Naylor. She fell to her chair.
" Stupid Stupid Stupid." She banged her hand on her desk. Jac stood up before throwing her paperwork of her desk.
"Ow." She seized up in pain, her hand automatically clutching her gunshot wound. She looked down. Blood. Crap. She reached for her phone.

Come to my office now. It's urgent.

She clicked send before falling to the ground. She was in too much pain. I'll just close my eyes till he gets here, she thought. And so she did.

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