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She slapped me, why? What is wrong with her? I just want to help her. Oh yeah, Jac! He turned round.
"Oh for the love of." She had gone. He had only turned round for two seconds because of the automatic reaction to her slapping him, and she had ran away.
" FRIEDA." He yelled. He needed help to find her, who knows where she could've gone.
"Fletch what happened, is everything ok?" She saw the red slap mark across his face. She looked concerned.
"No, not really. Look it's Jac, she slapped me and somehow she managed to disappear! Please help me find her Frieda," he begged. He looked deep into her eyes.
"Well I'm not surprised she ran. Of course I'll help you fletch," her voice was kind and sympathetic, not like it usually was.
"Thank you Frieda, you're a star. Right, you start by checking Darwin and I'll check on the roof. Page me if you find her." Frieda nodded and jogged away to find Jac. Please Jac, let me find you. I love you Jac.
He whispered under his breath, "I love her so so much," before heading off to the roof to look for Jac.

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