Time To Learn

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As my eyes open everything shifts into focus. I'm lying in my bed, staring at the ceiling. I turn my head to look at the clock, there's a slight pain but I guess I slept in an awkward position. The clock reads 02:00pm. I guess I drank quite a bit last night to have slept in this late. I sit here in bed for a while trying to remember what happened last night before deciding to get up. I feel a twinge in my leg and look down. There's a huge scar. When did that get there? It couldn't have been last night because it would be fresh. Weird. I walk towards the bathroom because, in all honesty, I stink. When I get out of the shower I go straight back to my bedroom. Feeling clean, I sit down on my bed and reach for my phone. 2 messages and 1 voicemail. I open the voicemail first.

"Hey Bro Just wondering how you got home last night? Did you hear about that nasty crash on the highway? Wouldn't have wanted to be in the middle of that. Give me a call when you get this, I want to hear all about your night. See ya." I open the texts. 

ones from my mum "Hey sweetie, Just texting to see how you are that's all. Give me a call later. Lots of love, Mum x" Why do parents always text like they would talk. Makes me uneasy. 

Second text is from that annoying girl at the party last night. "Hey James, I have a free house tonight if you want to come over. My parents won't be home until 4pm the next day so feel free. Maybe see you later?xoxo" Ew. No thank you. And who uses xoxo anymore.

I put my phone down for a little while and just lay here. Then I hear it buzz again. 

"Hey x" No name. I turn my phone off and go back to sleep. My head is pounding.


"So how long will it be until he wakes up?"

"There isn't a definite time at the moment Mrs. Sullivan. As I said before, As soon as we get information we will inform you but for now I would estimate between 3 and 6 months. It was a bad crash and he is lucky to get out alive. I hope you realise that when your son wakes up there will be charges."  The doctor replies.

"I'll just be happy to get my son back." Mrs. Sullivan says.

"Yes. And I understand that. Now, As part of our guidelines, I need to ask you a series of questions as to why this could have happened. Now try to remain calm because violence will not be tolerated."

" I can try my best." 

"Alright, now has there been any issues in the home? I need you to answer truthfully to help us."

"His dad moved out when he was 3, I doubt he remembers it. We don't fight that often, and when we do we always make up for it."

"Okay. Has he been under any stress in school at the moment?" 

"Not that I know of. He's popular so there shouldn't be any bullying going on. And everything seems fine with his school work."

"alright. Has he had any suicidal tendencies over the past 5 years?"

"Not that I know of."

Mrs. Sullivan carries on answering questions as the doctor writes them down. Besides the chair Mrs. Sullivan is sitting in there is a hospital bed with a boy’s body in it. The body belongs to James Sullivan. He's alive, but only just. He was in a near fatal car accident that could have ended up in a bloodbath. He was very lucky to get out of it alive. He has a broken shoulder and a deep cut running all the way up his calf. 

All James has to do is wake up for this all to be over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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